
Jonah 2:2; Numbers 16:33; Psalm 16:10  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
Question: How are we to understand Sheol in the O. T. as in Jonah 2:2? also Num. 16:33? If a place of punishment, how is it in Psa. 16:10?—Earnest Inquirer.
Answer: There is vagueness as to the unseen in the O.T. The gospel only has brought to light life and incorruption. But we never do find Sheol or Hades associated with joy or blessing like Abraham’s bosom or paradise. Consistently therewith Psa. 16:10 teaches that Jehovah would not leave Messiah’s soul unto Hades, any more than His body to see corruption. To leave in seems the force of neither Hebrew nor Greek in the correct text; and early superstition made much of the error, revived widely in our day. The Revisers are right in Psa. 16:10, wrong in Acts 2:27, 31.