ALTHOUGH Ḡĭd́ e-on had refused to become a king, even when all the tribes desired him, after his death, one of his sons, whose name was Ā̇-bĭḿ e-lĕch, tried to make himself a king. He began by killing all his brothers, except one who escaped. But his rule was only over Shḗ chem and a few places near it, and lasted only a few years; so that he was never named among the kings of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Ā̇-bĭḿ e-lĕch is sometimes called the sixth of the judges, though he did not deserve the title. After him came Tṓ la, the seventh judge and Jā́ ir, the eighth. Of these two judges very little is told.
After this the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes again began to worship the idols of the Cā́ năan-ītes, and again fell under the power of their enemies. The Ăḿ mon-ītes came against them from the southeast and held rule over the tribes on the east of Jôŕ dan. This was the sixth of "the oppressions"; and the man who set Ĭś̝ ra-el free was Jĕph́ thah. He called together the men of the tribes on the east of Jôŕ dan—Reṳ́ ben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Mā̇-năś seh—and fought against Aḿ mon-ītes.
Before Jĕph́ thah went to the battle he said to the Lord: "If thou wilt give me victory over the Ăḿ mon-ītes, then when I come back from the battle, whatever comes out of the house to meet me shall be the Lord's, and I will offer it up as a burnt-offering.”
This was not a wise promise, nor a right one; for God had told the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes long before what offerings were commanded, as oxen and sheep, and what were forbidden. But Jĕph́ thah had lived on the border near the desert, far from the house of God at Shī́ lōh, and he knew very little about God's law.
Jĕph́ thah fought the Ăḿ mon-ītes and won a victory, and drove the enemies out of the land. Then, as he was going back to his home, his daughter, who was his only child, came out to meet him, leading the young girls, her companions, dancing and making music, to welcome his return. When Jĕph́ thah saw her he cried out in sorrow, "Oh, my daughter, what trouble you bring with you! I have given a promise to the Lord, and now I must keep it!”
As soon as his daughter had learned what promise her father had made she met it bravely, as a true daughter of Ĭś̝ ra-el. She said:
"My father, you have made a solemn promise to the Lord, and you shall keep it, for God has given to you victory over the enemies of your people. But let me live a little while and weep with my young friends over the death that I must suffer.”
For two months she stayed with the young girls upon the mountains, for perhaps she feared that if she was at home with her father he would fail to keep his promise. Then she gave herself up to death, and her father did with her as he had promised.
In all the history of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes this was the only time when a living man or woman was offered in sacrifice to the Lord. Among all the nations around Ĭś̝ ra-el the people offered human lives, even those of their own children, to the idols which they worshipped. But the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el remembered what God had taught Ā́ bră-hăm when he was about to offer up Ĭ́ s̝aac; and they never, except this once, laid a human offering upon God's altar. If Jĕph́ thah had lived near the Tabernacle at Shī́ lōh, and had been taught God's law, he would not have give such a promise, for God did not desire it; and his daughter's life would have been saved. From all these stories it is easy to see how the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes lived during the three hundred years while the judges ruled. There was no strong power to which all gave obedience; but each family lived as it chose. Many people worshipped the Lord; but many more turned from the Lord to the idols, and then turned back to the Lord, after they had fallen under the hand of their enemies. In one part of the land they were free; in another part they were ruled by the foreign peoples.