The Convict

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 3
"Well, friend, you haven't much longer to serve," said a guard to a convict. "What do you think of doing when you leave here?"
The convict straightened himself up and gruffly asked, "What?"
The guard repeated his question, "What will you do when you leave here?"
The defiant answer came promptly: "The first thing I'll do will be to kill a policeman."
"Oh! the first thing you'll do when you leave here will be to kill a policeman?" slowly repeated the guard.
"Yes," said the convict. "He gave the evidence that sent me up, and he'll have to pay for it."
"Well, after you've murdered the policeman, what then?"
"Then I'll be caught and locked up. You know I can't get far away from the pen," he said recklessly and with a bitter laugh.
"And after you're caught and locked up, what then?"
"Then I'll be tried and sentenced."
"Yes; and after you are tried and sentenced, what then?"
"Then it'll be death row and the hot seat, I guess." "And after you're electrocuted—what then?" There was no answer.
The man's thoughts had never traveled beyond death, and he was startled.
"Have you a Bible in your cell?" asked the guard.
"Yes, and I've read it through, often, to kill time."
"Well, have you ever read: 'God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life'?"
"No, that ain't in my Bible! I've read it through over and over, and that ain't there—no, that ain't in my Bible."
The next morning the guard was watching for the convict, and as soon as he saw him he said, "Well, friend, did you read John 3:1616For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)?"
"Yes! I've read it," he answered, "and I didn't know it was there. But do you mean to tell me that it means me? Me! a con for so many years?"
"Yes, oh yes! It means you. It is God's Word, and God always means what He says. You are one of the world, aren't you? And 'God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' "
The hard and bitter convict burst into tears. When he could speak he said, "I've never known what love was since my mother died. I was only five years old then, and my father kicked me out of the house. Since then I've knocked about the world, and every man's hand has been against me—and I've been against them. Yesterday when you spoke to me I had murder in my heart. But I can't murder the policeman now! God loved me! God gave His Son for me!"
He believed, and he received everlasting life. The same promise is offered to you today. Have you believed it? Have you received the "gift of God" which is "eternal life through Jesus Christ"?