The Cross and the Glory

I CAN’T have an interest in the cross without having an interest in the glory, for the cross carries me there.
We shall be making discoveries throughout eternity of His love and grace, but He has no discoveries to make of us.
The answer of God to the desire of self-exaltation, with which Satan inoculated the poor heart of man, is to have in the glory millions and myriads of those who will be the background to display Christ.
The order of being that we have been re-cast in, is to take delight, not in our own blessing, but in Him. It is He — His place.
“God all in all” (1 Cor. 15). Government supposes opposition, but when the Son has done His work, everything, from the greatest being to the most tiny, will be in harmony. When all is done, He takes His blessed place as “First-born among many brethren.”
He is not going to do wonders in creation, and little things in love.
We shall never forget the cross, even in the glory. If the purpose of God and the cross have gone together to put us in glory, they will go together in glory.
11th January 1884