The Lord Is My Shepherd

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 20
Jesus my Shepherd is,
His feeble sheep He tends
My soul, all anxious care dismiss—
Love never ends.
“Thy Shepherd” is His name,
Plead it from hour to hour;
Midst every change of thine, the same
In love and power.
His are the pastures green,
And His the waters still:
Alone upon thy Shepherd lean,
And fear no ill.
His love that led the way,
The peaceful stream beside,
In the sweet dawning of thy day,
Will still provide.
When faint in noontide heat,
His grace thy soul restored.
Beneath His shade the rest how sweet,
How kind thy Lord!
And shall thy spirit fear,
Though dark the valley be?
His staff and rod thy way shall clear,
And comfort thee.
Thine enemies shall know
Thy keeper is the Lord
Who makes thy cup of joy o’erflow,
And spreads thy board.
Yes! His own faithful love
Each pilgrim step shall tell,
Till thou within God’s house above
Shalt ever dwell.