The Mountain.

Matthew 28:16‑17
“The disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them, and when they saw Him they worship, ed Him” (Matt. 28:16, 1716Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 17And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. (Matthew 28:16‑17)).
IT was His wish that they
Should meet Him there,
The day, the spot, the hour,
Were all His care.
He longed once more to be
Amongst His own,
And He must have them there
With Him alone.
Not to the temple proud
He leads their feet,
Nor in the city’s walls
Would He them meet.
Now to a different scene
He leads their heart.
Upon a mountain bare,
With Him apart.
The temple ritual past,
With all its wealth:
Not to a “place” they come,
But to Himself.
The Son of God is there,
And naught beside,
They, won by perfect love,
Are satisfied.
What can they do but praise
When at His feet?
Their hearts had never known
A place more sweet.
Illumined by His love
That mountain-side,
Blest trysting-place to those
For whom He died.
E. R. M.