The New Policeman

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
'I felt like a condemned criminal who could not escape.'
There was a new policeman on our beat. He was young and cheerful and always seemed so helpful and happy that we finally asked him "Why?" This is his story: "About six years ago, when I was twenty-five years old, I got married. I came home early from my beat one night soon afterward, and found my wife on her knees praying. I was so upset that I slipped out again before she heard me and thought to myself, 'Oh, to think that I should have been such a fool as to marry a religious woman! What shall I do?'
"I actually thought seriously of leaving her! I hated the thought of religion, but I was afraid to say anything to her. But while these thoughts ran through my mind, other thoughts came in and I began to think what an awful sinner I must be. I had never thought of praying in my life; I was completely Godless. Now I realized my sinfulness, and my conviction of sin grew deeper and deeper. I never mentioned this to my wife, but I got utterly miserable. I felt like a condemned criminal who could not escape.
"I did not know where to turn for relief until at last I thought of one of my buddies whom we all knew to be a 'good man.' Several times every night I met him on my beat and often tried to tell him my trouble, but courage failed me.
"At last one night in desperation I said to him: 'Oh, Joe, what am Ito do? I feel I'm such a sinner.'
"Joe's face just lit up, and grasping me by both arms he said, 'Why, Tom, I'd rather hear this than that they had made me chief. I thought there was something up these last few days. I noticed you were different down at the station.'
"Then Joe told me of Jesus and His precious blood that cleanses from all sin. Listening to him I got a measure of peace, but my soul was not really at rest. I was not fully assured of salvation. This feeling grew and grew until at last I considered myself as bad as before if not worse.
"During this time I was so intensely in earnest that I used to pray all the time on my beat. I even knelt down at night on the pavement crying to God to do anything to me—let me break my arm, or my leg, or smash me anyhow—but to let me know for certain that I was saved.
"About this time a gospel tent was put up by some preachers in my area. One night when I was passing, two of them saw me and asked if I would keep an eye on their tent. I agreed to do so and often heard them speaking, but being on duty I could not go in.
"One Sunday night I was specially miserable and as I neared the tent I thought I'd just go near the back entrance for a moment. As I came to the entrance I heard the preacher repeat the verse: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
"That was enough for me! Now I knew I was saved, and joy and peace came with believing. Now I could go home and tell my wife that I was converted and that we could rejoice together."
The same peace and joy can be yours too. Have you heard. God's Word? It is Jesus Himself who says: Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. (Matt. 11:28, 2928Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. (Matthew 11:28‑29).)