The New Year

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 10
No better time could present itself than this dawning of a new year in which to seek to press home to our hearts the rapidity with which time is passing by, and the solemn fact too, that every step onward is bringing us nearer and nearer to the end of our days down here.
As we stand at the door of this new year, and look back upon the one we are leaving behind, it is with mixed feelings in our hearts gratitude to Him who has preserved us till now on the one hand, and on the other, anxiety for the many around us who are carelessly allowing time to hurry them on without a single serious thought as to where they are going.
In a general way, most of us have to lament many wasted opportunities during its course— opportunities which have been God-given. But, though often done, it is useless and vain to bemoan the little use made of the past. We think the most intense anguish and remorse suffered by the man in the sixteenth chapter of Luke must have been when he thought of the long life he had wasted, when he could have seen that the salvation of his soul was secured. He threw away every opportunity, and lived only with thoughts of this life. Yes, lived in the very top of luxury, robed in fine linen and faring sumptuously every day—and his opportunities slipped by unnoticed.
At last he did awake to a sense of the reality of eternity, but it was in hell—and it was too late. There, beyond all hope, his eyes were earnestly raised, but his opportunity was gone. The ruthless hand of death had come to him, as the wages of his sin, and judgment and judgment alone must be his portion after death; for the Scripture says, "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”
Oh, may no reader of this ever know such remorse and anguish as did that man! A: decision for Christ— an immediate decision—is all important. Thank God! it is still true that "Now is the accepted time; ... now is the day of salvation." If till now you have thoughtlessly gone on your way disregarding not only your desperate need as a sinner, but also God's claims upon you, won't you now be wise, and start this year with God?