The Present Substitute for the Feast of Tabernacles

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
THE Holy Ghost is spoken of as substituted for the last or eighth day of the feast of Tabernacles. But the Lord presents the Holy Ghost in such a way as to make Him the hope of faith at the time in which He spoke, if God created a sense of need in the soul. If any one thirsted, let him come to Jesus and drink. Not only should his thirst be quenched, but from the inner man of his soul should flow forth streams of living water: so that coming to Him by faith to satisfy the need of their soul, not only should the Holy Ghost be in them a well of water springing up into everlasting life, but living water should also flow forth from them in abundance to refresh all those who thirsted. When Israel drank of the rock in the wilderness, there was no well in them or outflow from them. Under grace every believer is not, doubtless, a source in himself: but the full stream flows from him. This, however, would only take place when Jesus was glorified; and in those who were already believers, previous to their receiving it. It is a gift to those who believe. The Spirit is given in connection with the glory of Jesus. when He is hidden from the world. It was also on the eighth day of the feast, the sign of a portion beyond the Sabbath rest of this world, and which begins another period-a new scene in glory. Observe also that the Holy Ghost's presence is the fruit of a spiritual thirst-of felt need in the soul, need for which the soul had sought an answer in Christ. Then a river for others.