The Christian Testimony Through the Ages by Theodore William Carron

Christian Testimony Through the Ages, The [Epub Ebook]

First published around the middle of the twentieth century, the book presents a concise and ediflying ovrview of Christian history and the lives of significant vessels whom the Spirit of God used. An excellent introduction to church history. …

Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 432 pages


The Christian Testimony Through the Ages by Theodore William Carron

Christian Testimony Through the Ages, The [Paperback]

A shorter, highly readable story of the testimony of Christ down through the ages. You will be introduced in its pages to John Huss who was burned at the stake, Huguenots hunted and murdered, and thousands of others faithful under persecution. Christ's power to strengthen His own and sustain His own work shines from every story. …

Paperback, 5" x 8" x 7/8", 432 pages

#8387, $14.95

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