"Three Great Questions"

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 4
With the reader's permission we would ask three questions. The first question is,
"Are you saved?"
It is not "Are you religious" nor "Are you a church member?" It is "Are you saved?"
Many are earnest, energetic, and active in social, benevolent, philanthropic, and religious work, who have never been saved. To be "religious" is one thing; to be "saved" is another. Many "religious" persons don't profess to be saved. To test it, ask the average church member how long it is since he was saved, and he will probably say,
"No one can know that for certain."
If you have any doubt about your salvation, give your soul the benefit of the doubt. You may say that you hope it will be "all right" with you "at last." But what about the present? If you are not saved in Time, you cannot be saved in Eternity.
"Well, I hope I will be saved."
Hoping is not enough; you ought to be certain. The second question is,
"Are you willing to be saved?"
Did you ever learn that you were "lost?" One must first know that he is lost before he can know that he is saved.
There are but two classes of persons in God's sight—"lost" sinners, and "sinners saved by grace." Which class do you belong to? Christ came to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10).
"Not the righteous—Sinners, Jesus came to save."
Are you lost or saved? If you believe that you are one of the "lost" whom Jesus came to save, and are really wishing to be saved, Are you willing to be saved?
Perhaps you are asking, "What must I do to be saved?" If this is so, the question can be answered in the words of Scripture,
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
"That is too easy a way," says one.
Thank God it is easy for us, but it was not easy for Christ to take our place and die in our room and stead. Though an "easy way," it is God's way, and His only way of deliverance from the penalty and power of sin.
Some years ago I traveled on the Canadian Pacific Railway from Toronto to Vancouver, a distance of nearly 3,000 miles. It was "easy" for me to cross the continent. All I did was secure a ticket, sit in a seat in the train, and I was carried safely through the prairies and over the Rockies to the Pacific Coast. Think of what it cost the Canadian Government to build the railway! It cost them millions of dollars, and millions of acres of valuable land.
What did it cost God to open up the way to peace and happiness for guilty sinners? Hearken to His answer,
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
It cost God his only begotten Son; it cost Christ His precious blood to open a righteous way to secure our salvation. Christ finished the work that saves, and you have only to believe on Him who did it all and paid it all!
Thank God for the word "whosoever." "Whosoever" takes in you and me, and every other person.
"Whosoever believeth in Him." Do you believe in Christ?
"Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Are you the present possessor of everlasting life?
"No," you reply. Then you don't believe on Christ. If you did you would be saved from hell and wrath and woe. The third question is,
"Are you willing to be saved NOW?"
Do you reply "Not now?" Why not now? Why not at this moment accept of Christ as your Savior and Lord? Why not now believe in Him who died to save you from the horrors of an eternity of darkness and woe? Why spurn His mercy? Why resist His Spirit? Why procrastinate longer? The old proverb says,
"The way to hell is paved with good intentions." How awfully true! Many have been rocked to sleep in the cradle of a false security with the hellish lullaby,
"Time enough." "Time enough!"
Tarry not a moment longer, but now at this moment believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved for Eternity.