Today If Ye Will Hear His Voice.

TWO years ago, in a small village, a group of persons stood listening to a preacher of the gospel. The realities of eternity filled his soul as he pressed upon his hearers the necessity of coming to Christ in this day of grace. Speaking of the many offers of salvation which had been made to them, he said, “Perhaps this is the last time that some in this company will listen to a message from God, who has showed His great love in giving His Son to die, the Just for the unjust, to bring us to Himself.” Then the preacher solemnly urged the people to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that they might be saved, for he that believeth is not condemned, but hath everlasting life; while, on the other hand, he that believeth not, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.
The address being concluded, a woman came up to him, saying she had been waiting for him to speak to her; whereupon he begged her to accept Christ without delay, adding that if she delayed it might be too late.
This was the last time that woman heard of the Saviour’s love. Two days after she died, and, so far as man can tell, neglecting God’s offered mercy.
Dear reader, let this be a warning. Do not put off the weighty matter of your soul’s salvation, for you are not sure of tomorrow; but come now to the Lord Jesus Christ, for “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” J. S —n