Watch and Pray

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
" Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."-Phil. 4:66Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6).
When sorely tempted by the slayer;
" 'Tis nothing, nothing," doth he say;
But an almost childish pleasure,
Just made to pass the time away.
Watch and pray.
When Christ our Lord was here on earth,
No leisure hour or time had He,
Save for His Father, to show forth
The love that rescued you and me.
Engrossed with what must pass away,
The whirl of business and its cares,
Providing for the comforts of the day,
And laying by for future years,
Watch and pray.
No tinseled roof, no treasured store,
Of this world's pelf were His down here;
But how to help and serve the poor,
And soothe the widow, these His care.
When asked to vote or office fill,
And told that you've as much to say
In politics and governing
As any in the present day,
Watch and pray.
Our Savior's voice was never heard
Adjusting questions of the day '
But, " Bury let the dead their dead,
Take thou thy cross and follow Me."
When loved ones round thee fondly cling,
Their acts, their motives all their own,
And thine, that each new day may bring
Some fresh enjoyment to their home,
Watch and pray.
Set not your heart on things of earth,
But set them on the things of God;
Lest living most the Adam birth,
You prove unworthy of your Lord. R.