What Jesus Would Say If You Came

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SOME years ago, while having services in a Midland town, I came across two little boys in the garden of my host. After speaking to them of the Lord Jesus and His sweet invitation:
“Suffer little children to come unto Me” (Matt. 19:14), one of them, the smaller of the two, looked up so brightly, and said to the lady,
“I know what Jesus will say if I come to Him.”
“Well, dear, what will He say?”
“He will say, ‘Come along, little one, I am so glad to see you.’”
Yes, that is what Jesus will say to any poor sinner, reading this book, who comes to Him, “I am so glad to see you;” for “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10.
ML 01/17/1937