We continue our study of First and Second Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 10 Paul is taking up the subject of the table of the Lord and the conduct which should characterize those who are invited to eat at it.
Paul has shown that not all those who were Israelites and were delivered from Egypt’s bondage were pleasing to God. Many of them died in the wilderness because of their disobedience and idolatry. He clearly shows that those who claim a relationship with God must walk in separation from the corruptions and defilements of this world, if they are to please Him.
The Corinthian believers were, in like manner, to flee from idolatry, for if they partook of that which was offered at the table of demons, they could not partake of that which was the Lord’s. Paul also showed that, even though the meat which was offered to demon idols and then sold in the market (shambles) was nothing, as the idol itself was nothing, to knowingly partake of these things connected the individual in fellowship with the table of demons. And one connected with such wickedness could not then have fellowship in the communion of the blood and body of Christ at His table.
It was not a legal restriction which Paul pressed upon the Corinthian believers. If they were invited to a feast, they were to eat whatever was set before them without asking questions about it. If, however, the host were to tell them that the food they were eating had been offered to idols, for the sake of the conscience of the host, and others there who may have been believers, the Christian was to refuse to eat. The thought of fellowship is very closely connected with the subject of the Lord’s table.
1. What fellowship is it possible for moral light (righteousness) to have with moral darkness (unrighteousness)? 2 Corinthians 6:___
2. What is required if two individuals are to walk together in happy fellowship? Amos 3:___
3. At the beginning of his first epistle, the Apostle John, who enjoyed fellowship with the Father and the Son, declared that which he had witnessed of the person of the Son of God. Why did he make this “report” (see JND translation)?
1 John 1:___
4. What did the early assembly in Jerusalem continue in, with steadfastness and purpose? Acts 2:___
5. What attitude did Paul tell the Ephesian believers they were to have towards the “works of darkness” (unrighteousness)? Ephesians 5:___