1 John 5:2, 3

From: The Prospect
Narrator: Ivona Gentwo
Duration: 9min
1 John 5:2‑3  •  7 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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How many questions are resolved by 'rightly understanding the object of the Holy Ghost now on earth! What cause of misapprehension and diversity of judgment lies here! Some seem to make conversion the entire work of the Spirit, and they labor for it with great zeal, Others go a step further, and consider that converts should be edified and nourished in “the school of God." Now, both hold truth, but neither in the large and glorious purpose of God. The prayer of Christ, when He surveyed the full accomplishment by Himself of all the Father's will, was, “that they all may be one," even "those also who shall believe on me through their word." This would be the most glorious expression of divine power, that as the Father and the Son were one, so all believing in the Son should also be one. And the Spirit in the apostle, in spite of all the apparent frustration (on earth) of this desire of Christ, lays it as a grand injunction on the saints to “endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace," for there is oneness in all the highest blessings of the Church.
Here, then, we have the object of the Spirit in the manifestation of unity, as members of one body. It is the witness on earth that the Father sent the Son. Natural selfishness and singular interests are lost in one common joy and glory; not as under the law, every man standing on his own rights, but "look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." And I believe it is here that "love one another," the new commandment, has its force and place. This commandment, like all commandments, is given for an object, and that object is, that “by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples." The observance of the commandment would produce this effect; but we should remember that there is a mode for obeying. We are to love one another, not according to our sentimentality, but “as I have loved you with all the truth, and holiness, and self-devotion of Christ. Christ could denounce Peter as Satan. The loving, sympathizing Jesus, could remain two days in the place where He was when His friend Lazarus was nigh unto death. He could allow His disciples to pass into the dark gloom of despondency on the stormy sea, ere He appeared for their rescue. But I need not multiply instances of a like nature, where the blessing of His people is secured, though every former link be severed or forgotten. Christ had but one object, the glory of the Father, and He accomplished it. The Holy Ghost has but one object, the glory of Christ, and He will accomplish it. To be a member of Christ, for the body is Christ, is my glory; and the Spirit cares for me, and makes intercession for me, as “baptized by Him into one body." He desires to glorify Christ.
It is not at all a question of conversion. Thus the evildoer in 1 Cor. 5. was a converted person, as is evident from 2 Cor. 2.; but he would not suit the Spirit in His work and in His manifestation of Christ, constructing an habitation of God through Himself. Hence, the company whom the Holy Spirit could acknowledge and use, should come together, expressing unity of purpose, and formally disown any further union with one acting wickedly. It did not touch the question whether he was a believer or not, or whether he would be saved in the day of the Lord. He was not fit, in his present condition, for the Spirit's service in glorifying Christ, and he must be removed, unless his soul were restored by a godly repentance. Thence I learn the principle, that it is not persons, but Christ and His glory, I am to consider, and, following this rule, I arrive at the truth, that the course of the Spirit, however in appearance harsh and repulsive, is the surest way to remove obstacles and promote the love which is of God. Have no company with the disorderly one. Why? To show your superiority? No: but “that he may be ashamed." Following the guidance of the Spirit, who is faithful to Christ, and of course to all who are of Christ, is ever the divine way to clear away offences; because, as one member is strengthened, all the members are strengthened, even though strength be obtained in the judicial treatment of one or more. The very member judged is receiving strength, it may be imperceptibly yet surely, by the faithfulness of his brethren towards the Lord and himself. For there is one body and one Spirit, and therefore it is seeking the mind of the Spirit, which is our blessing, as it is what God regards, helping us in our infirmities. This, therefore, and not persons, should be Paramount to us. And so our service should be, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus; but ready to part company with any persons, no matter how honored and loved, if " they cause offences contrary to the doctrine which we have learned;" yea, even " avoid them," and simply because " they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus." Who so honored as Peter? Yet, when truth Was at stake, he is sacrificed to it. (Gal. 2.)
The trial, the difficulty, the heart-breaking of cutting through the longest and most cherished friendships, if need be, for Christ's sake, is admitted and felt. It was so when first we left all at the Master's call, and the same principle holds good the entire journey through. Following Christ never made, and was never meant to make, a smooth course through this world. If it be said, Can a movement be of God which is attended by so much sorrow, shame, disappointment in its train? I can only reply, that such was the experience of him who was in nothing behind the very chiefest apostles. (2:20, 21; 2 Tim. 1:15; 4:14-18.) He has warned us, that there must be also heresies in the Church, that they which are approved may be made manifest. In this, as in all else, the only blessed place is to "walk by faith, not by sight." The Lord, when He comes, will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall every man have praise of God. Our bodies should be a living sacrifice to Christ, and this is especially the Spirit's work. There is reciprocity: Christ gave Himself for us; the Spirit in us aims at nothing but that we should be the Lord's. Every consideration outside this, individually and corporately, is repugnant to Him. Not persons, I repeat, but power in the Holy Ghost can strengthen the saints. One saint, glorifying Christ in the energy of His Spirit and truth, would do more than thousands lukewarm to cheer the hearts of all saints, because it is but one Spirit after all, and one body. Sectarianism is ever looking at persons, which are everything in its eyes. Love for the Church looks to Christ, and labors to present every man perfect in Him, but only associating with those who aim to serve not their own bellies, but the Lord, in truth and holiness. Here it is well to remark, that fellowship with one another is only in the light, the summit of Christ's service for us; and he that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is no occasion of stumbling (either himself or others) in him. His love is in the light, holy and radiant with the presence of God. He learns to add to godliness brotherly kindness.
But, practically, am I to warn my child to avoid the society of a person whose conversation is pernicious, and does that child, if I love him, demand no reproof, no discipline, because; though he frequents the company I deprecate, he assumes that he has imbibed none of the evil? Who can touch pitch and not be defiled? But the temple of God is holy.
J. B. S.