Jonathan Councell
Some souls speak as though God only grants salvation to those whose faith reaches a certain standard. That standard is that they are able to believe themselves to be saved. But this is making a saviour of their faith. An anxious soul once said to me, “I fear I’m not one of the elect.”
“Why do you say so?”
“Because I haven’t faith enough to believe that I am justified.”
If you had, you would not be justified as a result. This is not what God asks you to believe for salvation. He does not say, If you can only believe that you are justified, you are justified; but if you believe on Him whom I gave to die for you and who rose again, you have the authority of My word for knowing that you are justified (Acts 13:38-39).
Great faith may bring great comfort to the one who has it, but it does not bring a greater salvation than little faith. “Go in peace” was the Lord’s word, both to her who came with a timid touch, and to her who came with a bold touch. (Compare Luke 8:48 and Luke 7:50.) True faith, however feeble, always lays hold upon Christ. It rests on his precious blood for safety, and allows no other trust to intrude. It flies for shelter to Him as the only door of refuge, and will accept no other offer, however plausible it may be.
The manslayer who reached a “city of refuge” in the land of Canaan was not secure because of the greatness or strength of his faith, but because he had reached a refuge of God’s own providing. He might have entered and stood within its gates in greatest fear and trembling, or he might have been there without a shade of doubt or the faintest tinge of misgiving; but he had reached the refuge, and that was enough in God’s account to secure his safety.
Neither did his safety consist in believing that he was safe. He might presumptuously have believed this, stayed at home, and died. This would not do; but having availed himself of God’s provision, he was as secure as that provision could make him.
It’s truly solemn to think of the enemy’s diligence in putting anything before the soul as an object of faith rather than Christ. But the blessed patient One speaks from on high, and still says, “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 45:22).
Happy is he who can say —
I need no other argument,
I want no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died,
And rose again for me.