“Mary.” You do not tell us where you live, but we fear the evil to which you call our attention is not confined to your locality, or to the special class to which you refer, namely, “unmarried females.” The sin of “backbiting” prevails everywhere, and amongst all classes, to an appalling extent. It is an abominable, yea, a diabolical evil. It has been truly said, “The backbiter injures three persons, namely, himself, his hearer, and the subject of his tale,” If I have any fault to find with a person, he himself ought to be the very first to hear of it. How little is this attended to! We meet a person with a smile and a shake of the hand, and no sooner have we parted company with him, than we commence to disparage him in some way or another. “I am determined,” said an old saint, “never to speak of a man's virtues to his face, or of his faults behind his back.” Noble determination! But alas! alas! how little is it acted upon! We generally reverse the order; we flatter people to their face, and blacken them behind their back. The Lord deliver us from this sinful and shameful practice! It is most assuredly of the devil. We want to be more faithful in speaking to people more gracious in speaking of them. If we see anything wrong in a person, let us go directly to him and speak plainly; and if we have nothing good to say of him, let us graciously draw the curtain of silence around him. This would save a world of mischief; it would prevent untold sorrow and heart-burning. “Speak not evil one of another, brethren.” This is a seasonable word, and yet, alas! how few act upon it. There seems such a want of common honesty, such an absence of even manly frankness, such meanness and cowardliness in saying behind a man's back what we would not dare to say to his face. Christians should flee from all this. It is most contemptible. No doubt “unmarried females” are more exposed to this evil, than those whose hands are well filled with domestic work. We gather this from the pungent words of the apostle, in 1 Tim. 5:13: “Withal they learn to he idle, wandering about from house to house: and not only idle, but tattlers also, and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.” It may be said that this passage applies to “the younger widows;” but then the spirit of it applies wherever the evil exists. It is a good thing to be fully employed; it saves one from a great deal of evil, and from backbiting amongst the rest; against which we solemnly warn the reader. The devil is a backbiter -the chief of backbiters, and all who indulge in the practice are doing his work, We would recommend you, dear friend, and all our readers, to adopt Solomon's remedy in all cases of backbiting. He says, “The north wind driveth away rain; so cloth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue.” Never listen to a backbiter, for if you do you are a partaker of his evil. Let us remember that the way of the Lord is to speak faithfully to us, bat graciously of us. Let us seek to imitate this, and not be found doing Satan's work.