28. To Feed, Shepherd

Both βόσκω and ποιμαίνω are translated ‘feed.' The former word (except in John 21:15-17) is used for the feeding of swine. Matt. 8:30, 33; Mark 5:11, 14; Luke 8:32, 34; and 15:15.
ποιμαίνω refers to the feeding of cattle, as in Luke 17:7, but is used figuratively, as of feeding the flock or church of God. Acts 20:28 Pet. 5:2. It is four times translated ‘rule' as applied to the people of Israel and to the nations in a future day. Matt. 2:6; Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 19:15. It is from the root ποιμήνa shepherd,' and may be translated ‘to shepherd,' as implying care or oversight as well as feeding.
In John 21:15-17, both βόσκω and ποιμαίνω occur, though the force of this is lost in the A. V. In these verses we should read "Feed my lambs;" "Shepherd my sheep;" "Feed my sheep." It has sometimes been asked (since ‘to shepherd' implies more than ‘to feed') why the Lord went back in the last case to βόσκω. Perhaps it may refer to the tendency of professed shepherds to be occupied with the flock without really leading the sheep to the true pasture provided for them in Christ, and consequent failure to feed them.