65. Obedience Better Than Sacrifice

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
“A. L.” Your kind communication has encouraged and refreshed us exceedingly. The Lord be praised for all you tell us in reference to this our little service for His name! As to your three queries, we must reply to them very briefly.
1. We believe you should honestly, unhesitatingly, and fearlessly follow the light as it shines in upon your conscience. Do not stop to reason about consequences. Our business is to obey the word of the Lord, regardless of human thoughts. We would give you the following weighty motto, in the words of another, “Never go before your faith; never lag behind your conscience.”
There is immense moral weight in those words, “Cease to do evil; learn to do well.” Mark the order. You must first cease to do evil. If you pause to inquire, What am I to do then? you will never get on. God never gives light for two steps at a time. Take the first step, and then light will be sure to pour in upon your path. If I find myself in a house on fire, I do not pause to ask whither shall I flee? My first, my obvious duty, is to escape from the burning house. So also, if I find myself in a wrong position. I should not inquire, Where can I find anything better? My first business is, to cease to do evil. “Let every one that nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity.”
2. As a general rule, we prefer having the assembly in a public room; but this is only a matter of opinion or feeling. There is nothing unscriptural in such a meeting as you name, quite the contrary. We merely think it desirable to have the meeting on such a ground as that all may feel free to attend. There is always more or less of difficulty and reserve in attending a merely domestic meeting. But we do not lay down any rule.
3. We fully concur in your view of baptism. As to the matter referred to at the close of your truly interesting letter, we can only tell you, we have gone through it all, and after years of close observation, and deep and painful exercise, we can say with emphasis, the only remedy is unflinching decision for Christ. May the Lord bless you, beloved brother! May the dew of His heavenly grace drop copiously upon you, in that barren spot in which your lot is cast.