65 Years Ago

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ON SUNDAY, May 7, 1899 the first issue of Messages of Love was distributed to children in Sunday school in St. Louis, Missouri, and other places on this continent. In that first issue Mr. Armet wrote: “Our Dear Little Friends: If the Lord permit, we hope to have a paper like this one for you every week, telling you of God’s love to this world of sinners; so you see the title is ‘Messages of Love.’ What could be more wonderful to tell you about, than the love of God?”
Those who first published Messages of Love have gone to be with the Lord, but for 65 years the little paper has continued to carry the same sweet gospel message.
That first issue also carried John 3:16 in large bold print, and Mr. Armet also wrote: “Repeat the verse in large letters on this page every day this week and recite it next Lord’s day.” Many children today, as then, still learn the weekly memory verse and recite it in Sunday school.
The Bible Questions, prepared by Mr. E. B. Hartt, began in the November 5 issue that same year, and rewards were given to all who answered. Many of those early Answers have gone to be with the Lord they learned to know and love on earth, but we know of one aged sister who has answered the Questions faithfully for nearly 50 years, and several for over 40 years. Who can tell what blessing there has been over these many years from reading the Holy Scriptures. “More to be desired are they than gold,... and in keeping of them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:10, 11.
The monthly Bible Questions continue to this day. At Smiths Falls, Ontario, in the large Sunday school there, the teachers encourage the children and young people to answer the Bible Questions by inscribing the answerers’ names on a large chart set on an easel. The answers are dropped into the “post office box” in front of the chart. Stars are applied opposite names as the answers are dropped into the box. We think this is a fine effort.
With this issue we begin a new term. We hope those who answered last year will continue with us. And if any of our young readers, and older ones too, are not answering the Questions, why not begin now with the new term? Rewards are given at the end of the term, but best of all you will reap the blessing from reading the precious Word of God both now and in eternity.
It is written of Timothy that from a child he knew the Holy Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:15), and of Apollos that he was “mighty in the Scriptures” (Acts 18:24). To learn the Scriures when you’re young will bring you the knowledge of God, of His Son Jesus, and the heavenly hope. It will help you to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” 1 Peter 3:15.