Matthew 26:19. The disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the Passover.
See also Mark 14:16; Luke 22:13.
The two disciples, Peter and John, who represented the company who, with Jesus, were to celebrate the Passover together, went, as was customary, to the temple with the paschal lamb. There, taking their turn with others who thronged the temple on the same errand, they killed the lamb, the nearest priest catching the blood in a gold or silver bowl, and passing it to the next in the row of priests until it reached the priest nearest the altar, who instantly sprinkled it toward the altar’s base. The lamb was then flayed and the entrails removed, to be burnt with incense on the altar. All this was done in the afternoon. As soon as it was dark the lamb was roasted with great care. Thus the two “made ready the Passover.” They likewise provided unleavened bread, wine, bitter herbs, and sauce. See also note on Exodus 23:15 (#130).