Matthew 27:28. They stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
See also Mark 15:17; John 19:2.
The “robe” was probably the Roman paludamentum, which closely resembled the Greek chlamys. It was an outer garment, which hung loosely over the shoulders, was open in front, reached down to the knees or lower, and was fastened across the chest with a clasp, which, by the motions of the wearer, sometimes shifted to either shoulder. It was commonly either white or purple. Mark and John speak of this one as purple, and Matthew says it was scarlet. The two terms were convertible. The paludamentum was a military cloak, and, in mockery of the royalty of Jesus, was put upon him after he had been “stripped” of the outer garment which he usually wore. Compare verse 31, and see note on Deuteronomy 24:12-13 (#205).