Acts 13:15. After the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them.
The custom of reading the law publicly was very ancient. The “prophets” are said to have been added in a singular way. “When Antiochus Epiphanes burnt the book of the law, and forbade the reading of it, the Jews, in the room of it, selected some passages out of the prophets which they thought came nearest in words and sense to the sections of the law, and read them in their stead; but when the law was restored again they still continued the reading of the prophetic sections” (Stehelin's Traditions of the Jews, cited by Burden Oriental Customs, No. 1160). Hence the expression “the law and the prophets” was used to denote the portion of Scripture that was read in the synagogue, and, by synecdoche, the whole of the Jewish Scriptures. See Matthew 10:17; Luke 16:29. As a matter of fact, however, the Hagiographa, or “Holy Writings,” which composed the third part of the Jewish Scriptures (see note on Luke 24:44, #789) was not read in the synagogue.
The “ruler of the synagogue” occupied a very important position. In the temple synagogue he was the third officer in rank; the first officer being the high priest, and the second the chief of the priests. In provincial synagogues the “ruler” was supreme. No one was eligible to this office until he had a certificate from the Great Sanhedrim that he possessed the requisite qualifications. His election, however, was by the members of the synagogue. It was his duty to supervise all matters connected with worship.
Sometimes this office is mentioned in the singular number, as if there were but one ruler to the synagogue. See Mark 5:35-36,38; Luke 8:49; 13:14. At other times the plural form is used, as in the text. See Mark 5:22. The idea of plurality is also implied in the expression, “a ruler of the synagogue” (Luke 8:41) and in the words “chief ruler” (Acts 18:8,17). Neander suggests that “we must make the limitation, that in smaller places an individual, as in larger towns a plurality, stood at the head of the synagogue. It is most probable that, although all presbyters were called ἀρχισυνάγωγοι yet one who acted as president was distinguished by the title of ἀρχισυνάγωγος as primus inter pares” (Planting and Raining, Edition Bohn, vol.1, p. 36, note). Thus the “rulers” would be the mine as the “elders” mentioned in Luke 7:3 and elsewhere. Some suppose them to be identical with the local Sanhedrin). See note on Matthew 10:17 (#656).