A Baby and the Snake

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
In India ther was a little baby whose parents were Christians. Once they were, as thousands still are in that country, worshipers of idols, but they heard of Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of sinners, and believing on Him, they were saved. Their little baby girl, who was not able to walk, had crept into the yard, and had been amusing herself for some time. When the mother looked out, she saw to her horror; that the child had hold of a snake. What was she to do? If she ran forward to grasp it, it would surely bite the child, and its bite would be death. She knelt down and prayed to God to keep the child from being bitten by the snake. As she rose from prayer, a tame cat came into the yard, and the child seeing the “pussy”, threw away the snake, and began to stroke the cat.
The story of this little child has its lessons for boys and girls everywhere. Sin is like that poisonous snake, it will bite at the end.
“Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” James 1:15.
But when Christ is received into the heart, sin loses its power to charm. The heart has something better, pleasures that leave no sting, that do not wither, even pleasures for evermore.
If you do not know Jesus, you do not yet know what true pleasure is.
The mother at once seized her child, and hurried from the place of danger, with a thankful heart to the Lord for protecting her dear child, and delivering it from the attractive power of harm. She let go the deadly snake when a new object met her eye, and filled her hand. The snake ceased to charm; it had lost its power.
“That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.” Ephesians 3:17.
ML 05/10/1942