A Book of Wise Sayings

Listen from:
Proverbs 1 to 3
A wise king wrote this book for his son and others to know what was best and right to do in this world. Other men have written wise sayings, called proverbs, but none as wise as this king, because it was the Lord Who gave him the great wisdom. He was a young roan when he became king, and he felt that he did not know how to direct his people; he said to the Lord,
“I am but a little child, I know not how to go out, or to come in.” 1 Kings 3:7.
Because he was not proud, the Lord gave him special wisdom about all things on earth; he knew about trees, animals, birds, and fish, but no writings about those have been kept; but these wise proverbs we way read and we find the words just as true for us as for that king’s son, who lived hundreds of years ago.
Some of these are quoted in the New Testament, and parts of the book have been used as reading lessons in the schools of Christian lands, and helped the readers to know right ways. You see no one would know what is right except the Lord had shown it. That is why God has given His written Word, and our parents and others to tell us; if no one ever taught us we would be much like the animals. But. God wants us to learn all that is good.
Do you know what He had shown the king was the first lesson to learn?
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Prov. 1:7.
Do you think that is too hard to learn first? Little baby brother, or sister when just old enough to sit in a high chair sees the family bow their heads when thanks is given to God: mother may gently put her hand on the wee one’s head and show it to bow its head, too, and. perhaps fold its little hands, and lightly place her fingers over its lips if it is not quiet: also when God’s Words are read, it is taught to be quiet, and to know that the Bible is not to be torn or spoiled. When Baby is a little older, it is told of Jesus and hymns are sung, and mother points up to the sky. So in a short time Baby has learned by these simple ways that there is One above, greater than all here, to Whom all should bow, and it has so learned to “fear”, or respect, the Lord.
When the Lord Jesus was on earth He said,
“Let the little ones come unto Me.”
He knew how young they could learn His love. If you know a little one who has never been so taught, perhaps you can tell it of Him. Any who have never learned to “fear”, reverence, the Lord have not the best knowledge, even if taught in great schools.
If the king’s son did right, he was told he would have long life on earth (Prov. 3:2). That promise is not given since the Lord Jesus returned to heaven, for to go to Him is better than long life here; but we know the Lord rewards all things now done for Him. Some think to do right on earth earns a place with the Lord in heaven. But no one can do enough to earn a place in heaven; that is God’s free gift to all who believe him.
ML 01/19/1941