A Brand from the Burning

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A young Christian man was discouraged. He was dissatisfied with his own lukewarmness and felt that his life was unfruitful for God. In the midst of his dejection a letter came telling him that his friend Frank was in a nearby hospital dying of tuberculosis.
Taking this as a message from God to go with the "wonderful words of life" to the dying man, the young Christian visited him. Sad to say, he found only indifference and scorn. "What a shame," said one and another, "to upset the poor fellow's mind by such matters!" Frank's wife was angry too, for she sought to deceive her husband into the false idea that he would soon be well.
Assured, however, by the head nurse that the case was a hopeless one, our friend continued his almost daily visits. He faithfully and lovingly urged in his simplest language the need of at once receiving, as a lost and ruined sinner, God's great and eternal gift of Christ.
"They think at home that I am dying," said Frank on one occasion to his visitor. A smile passed over his haggard features at the bare idea of such a thought.
"But if you knew, dear Frank, that you were going to die today, tell me, would you not then hasten to receive Christ as your Savior?”
"No," was his emphatic reply.
This was on Friday. Circumstances prevented further visits until the following Tuesday. During this interval prayer went up to God for wisdom and help.
On Tuesday our friend called and found him much worse. "Well, Frank, how long halt ye between two opinions?" he asked.
"I'm not halting now," was the reply. Poor Frank, now rapidly nearing eternity, was aware of his danger. He confessed his sense of his lost condition, and cast himself upon the mercy of an ever-loving Savior. He definitely closed in with God's offer and received the Lord Jesus Christ as his only hope for eternal salvation.
In the early hours of the following day, Frank took his departure from "the earthly house of this tabernacle," and was "present with the Lord." Thus in his last moments this poor sinner was saved. Like the dying thief upon the cross, he was as "a brand plucked from the burning.”
Unsaved one, consider! The hour may soon come that will end your earthly journey. Prepare now for eternity, while it is yet today. I pray you to take thought! "Flee from the wrath to come!”