A Certain Nobleman

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Luke 19:11-27
The people with Jesus on His last journey to Jerusalem knew the words of the Old Testament about God’s holy rule over the earth. They believed Jesus the promised King, so they expected when the city was reacd He would take the place of King.
They did not understand the writings of David and others that the Holy One must suffer and be rejected as King (Psa. 2:2; 22:7; 69:4; Is. 53:33). Jesus also told them He must die, yet they were hoping for His rule to begin. So, when near the city, He told this pable to teach that He would be gone for a time, and they must wait for His rule:
“A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. He called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds (money), and said unto them, “Occupy till I come.” But his citizens hated him and sent this message after him, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us.’”
It is plain to us now that the “nobleman” was the Lord Jesus; the “far country,” Heaven; the “citizens” who hated him and sent the wicked message, were the leaders of the nation, who said plainly as a written message, “Away with Him, crucify Him” ( John 19:5); “the servants” were those who knew His words, and should do for Him.
The parable told what will happen when “the nobleman” returns as King: he will call the servants to give account of the money he gave them, each had the same: the first used his pound so well, it earned ten times as much; and the King said because he had been faithful with a little, he should rule ten cities: the next earned five times the pound, and he was given rule over five cities. All are not told of, but one came with the pound wrapped in a napkin, never used at all, because he feared the King was not just. But the King was very just, and gave that pound to the servant who had been most faithful to do for him.
That “nobleman,” the Lord Jesus, has been gone very many years: the parable told no time only those certain words, “he returned.” The people who heard Jesus’ words were His first sernts; many since have heard His words in the Bible, and each has the same Word to use for Him.
Some love the Lord, and think of His words and tell them to others, so much is gained for His honor: others hear His Word, but do not love Him, so do not use His words, are not true sernts.
Do you suppose we who have heard His words and love Him, do not often also, keep that Word “tied in a nain?” We do not read it, or think of it, or tell it to others, and must lose His reward. The pound in their money was not a large amount, so it is in small ways the Lord looks for faithfulness, as, to try to follow His words, to be patient, and humble. Christ will be the just judge.
“We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.” Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10.
Those who despise Christ will be punished, and that also will be just (Acts 17:31).
ML 11/04/1945