A Challenge Which Was Accepted.

IT was a most extraordinary sight. A clump of trees and two sets of iron palings inextricably mixed up together, in the midst of a tomb, the trees lifting the palings skyward as they grew higher.
Moreover the tomb in question has a most extraordinary history attached to it. Nearly two centuries ago Lady Anne Grimston, daughter of the then Earl of Thanet, was buried there. She was a pronounced atheist, and on her deathbed spurned all spiritual consolation, and died boasting in her infidelity.
In her defiance of God and the truth, she exclaimed shortly before her death: “It is as likely that I should rise again from the dead, as that a tree should grow out of the middle of my coffin.”
Thousands upon thousands have stood where we stood in Tewin Churchyard, Hertfordshire, and have been awed as they witnessed the sight before their eyes.
Some years ago, before part of the trees were cut hack and further railings added, an eyewitness thus described the scene: —
“An oak tree has grown out of the middle of her coffin, and by its side a sycamore. The vault is square, of brick and granite. The two trees first filled the interior before they could find a way out. When they burst through the masonry, they so spread as completely to envelop the grave.
“The tomb was originally surrounded by iron railings. These the trees broke, grew round them, and carried them skyward in their growth. A second stiff palisading of iron was added; this too the trees absorbed, so that the railings and the trunks are inseparable, the timber having made the ironwork part of itself. Though the trees have but one root apiece, they have so grown that their trunks completely surround the tomb; they have crept, as it were, like ivy. But they have their upward growth. One of them has thrown up what look like five distinct trees; the other has a couple of sturdy trees, twenty or more feet in height.”
Is it not plain that God took up the proud challenge of Lady Anne Grimston, and answered her in this striking way. Generations, who have passed away, have looked on the sight. Generations alive flock in their hundreds to see this strange happening. Does not God preach through these trees a silent but powerful sermon that we shall all rise again? Lady Anne Grimston shall rise again, you will rise again, I shall rise again. God’s Word declares it.
It is past a mere coincidence that the trees have grown out of Lady Anne Grimstone’s coffin. God’s Hand is in it, and God’s Voice speaks to you today by it. Will you not hear His Voice?
Listen. There are to be two resurrections. The thought of a general resurrection is not found in Scripture. There is to take place “the resurrection of life” and “the resurrection of damnation.” (John 5:29.) We are told, “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power.” (Rev. 20:6.) This resurrection may take place at any moment, and is prior to the setting up of the millennial reign of Christ. Only believers will have part in that. If you are not a believer you can have no part in it.
The thousand years of the reign of Christ will run their course, and then the second resurrection will take place, that of “the dead small and great” to be “judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.” (Rev. 20:12.) Unbelievers will stand before “a great white throne.” There will be no mercy then. No blood stains the great white throne, as blood stained the mercy-seat in the holiest of all in the tabernacle, type of the precious blood of Christ that can alone put away sin. That blood is available for you now. Will you not avail yourself of this wonderful offer of mercy from the Hands of a God of infinite love?
Refuse this offer, then the second resurrection—the deairing, hopeless “resurrection of damnation”— will be your lot. See to it that you will have part in the “resurrection of life” through putting your trust in the Saviour. “The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7.) “if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt ‘believe in thine heart that God hast raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Rom. 10:9.) This is God’s Word. You may surely trust it.
May this most striking answer to Lady Anne Grimston’s daring challenge awaken in you real concern about your soul’s salvation, for you will rise again, but when and how? That is the question. Shall it be as a believer at the first resurrection, or an unbeliever at the second resurrection? It is for you to answer.
A. J. Pollock.