A Change Is Coming to Christian Truth

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In April, 1984, we ran a short article giving a brief history about Christian Truth up to that date. Since that time a need for a change has come.
For many years Ralph G. Rule bore the chief responsibility for Christian Truth. He had worked with Paul Wilson and his wife for several years. When Paul Wilson passed on to be with the Lord, Ralph Rule took up the work of selecting articles and Anna Wilson continued preparing them for printing.
In January of 1984 dear Ralph Rule also was called home by the Lord. At that time Anna Wilson had enough material from Ralph Rule to keep Christian Truth going for two years and now those two years are nearly completed.
Since there will be a change in the responsibility of supplying material for printing, we believe there should also be a change of name for the periodical. The new name selected is Christian Treasury. The reading of John 8:2020These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet come. (John 8:20) helped in this choice of the name. "These words spake Jesus in the TREASURY, as He taught." What an infinite Treasure there was in the treasury at that moment! Christ Himself, the Treasure and the teacher!
Our desire and prayer is that what is taught in this magazine ever be "the truth as it is in Jesus." Eph. 4:1010He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) (Ephesians 4:10). It seemed good to retain the word "Christian" in the title for two reasons: first, to preserve a link with the other titles which were Young Christian and Christian Truth, and second, the purpose of the magazine is to supply sound written ministry for Christians.
We thank those who have prayed with us, as we asked in the April 1984 issue, that sound clear written truth be preserved for God's people till the Lord comes. We need and desire your continued prayers for us.