A Child's Answer

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
A VERY little boy, only three and a half years old, who is fond of looking up at the stars, was asked one evening, when gazing at them, “Who made them?”
“God,” he replied.
“And what can you tell me of God?”
“God is love,” he said.
What glorious news, dear reader! “God is love.” Do you know Him as the God who is love? I don’t ask you whether you have heard about the love of God, but has it had any influence on you? Do you believe it? God’s word says that “God is love,” and it also declares that He has proved Himself by His acts to be love. Man’s sin had brought in a distance between him and the holy God. God loved the sinner, even in his sins, and desired that this tremendous distance should be removed; so He sent His only-begotten, His well-beloved Son, down into this world to become a man, and as a man to go to the cross, and there bear in His own body all that was righteously due to the sinner.
Is not this love? Can you be indifferent to the truth that God so loved this world, so full of sin, misery and wretchedness, that He gave the one most precious object that He could give—His beloved Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might have, as a present and divine reality, everlasting life? This is good news to believe. Trust wholly and simply to the blessed, and now glorified Saviour, and you will know a joy to which, if you are unsaved, you have as yet been a stranger.
May you be able, my reader, to say, now and for all eternity, “God is love.” (1 John 4:8, 16.) E. G.