A Child's Message

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One day a little girl entered the store of a merchant near her dwelling, and where her mother had been in the habit of buying her goods, and she said to its owner,
“I have come to tell you that Jesus died for sinners.”
It was a short sermon, but the Spirit of God applied it to the heart of the hearer. The thought came up in his mind all day long,
“Jesus died for sinners, I am a sinner, then Jesus died for me,” and he found no peace until he accepted that blessed Saviour as his own.
How much a little word can do! and yet how many would be unwilling to go on such a little errand, or tell so brief a story as did this little girl.
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.
ML 08/04/1940