A LITTLE girl of about six years told me just now that “God loves good children.” She would not believe that God could love children who were not good. We know that God is holy; He cannot look upon sin; God cannot love the naughty ways of naughty children. This is true. But if only good children are loved by God, what would become of you, my child?
Your own heart tells you that you are not good. God’s word tells us that “There is none that doeth good; no, not one.”
My little friend also told me that none but good children could go to heaven. If this is so, and God has said of all―little children as well as other people― “There is not one good,” how can any children be in heaven? Surely not one could be found in that happy, beautiful place.
There is a verse in the New Testament which explains how children, who are all badness in themselves, may yet go to God’s holy heaven. Find the second Epistle to the Corinthians; now look at the twenty-first verse of the fifth chapter.
This verse means that God once made the Lord Jesus, His own Son, the pure and spotless One, who knew no sin, to be what even the youngest child is― “sin,” for us. Why did God do this? The rest of the verse answers that question: “that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.”
God, in His wonderful love, has provided that which can fit you to be in heaven, and to be happy there; but you must come to Him just as you are, without any thought of trying to make yourself good, or even better, before you come.
May God lead you to accept the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour, for His name’s sake. J. M.