A Christian Dictator.

BY far the greatest personality in China today is Chiang Kai-Shek, that nation’s Prime Minister and virtual Dictator. Barely ten years ago he was a Communist General, relentless, vindictive, cruel. Swooping down suddenly upon a Chinese city, he seized it with surprising ease; and allowed his undisciplined hordes unbridled freedom as they looted the place.
Many Christians were hunted down and butchered. The terror-stricken inhabitants were subjected to rape and riot, violence and villainy.
The hospital, erected by missionary effort, was rifled, then burnt to the ground. The distressed doctor saw the work of thirty years reduced to charred ruins in twenty-four hours.
So Chang Kai-Shek, glorying in his successful coup, began to plan other “victories.”
“A foreign devil wishes to see you, General,” said an orderly.
“Foreign devil? And still alive? Bring him in!”
It was the missionary doctor who now stood before the tyrant. “I have come to ask a favor, sir.”
“And you will not get it, whatever you ask,” was the curt reply. “What do you want?”
“My hospital is in ruins and my work is taken from me. May I have the privilege of tending and healing your wounded men?”
Absolutely astonished at such a request, the General gave him permission. Chiang Kai-Shek told his wife of this truly amazing deed. She knew something of Christianity, and at once said, “Oh, there is nothing wonderful in that He is only putting into practice the doctrines of his religion.”
There was a brief silence. The Communist General was doing some rapid thinking. He was the first to break the silence. “If that is what the foreign devil’s religion really is, I, too, will become a Christian.”
So it came to pass that before the smoke had ceased rising from the smoldering ruins of the hospital, Chiang Kai-Shek was being taught how Christ is able to save, and to keep, even the chief of sinners. His wife became an earnest Christian worker, and Chiang Kai-Shek soon became the Generalissimo of the Chinese Army, and later on, Prime Minister in China.
One day Chiang Kai-Shek was motoring in the outskirts of a city, when an aeroplane swooped down. Men rushed upon him, bound him, and bundled him into the plane and flew off!
So Chiang Kai-Shek found himself a prisoner in the hands of one of his own Generals. Everything he possessed was taken from him. But he pleaded to be allowed to retain his Bible!
He wrote from there, “I had ample opportunity for Bible reading and meditation. The greatness of the love of Christ burst upon me with a new inspiration; increasing my strength; to struggle against evil; to overcome temptation; and to uphold righteousness.”
After some days in captivity, great excitement was caused by an aeroplane circling over the camp, evidently seeking a level landing-place, It carried no guns, but nevertheless, it was speedily surrounded by soldiers on alighting.
A lady stepped out from the plane and asked if Chiang Kai-Shek was there: “I am his wife, and have come to share his captivity.” Even those rough Chinese troops were amazed. The “Red” General could scarcely refuse this request from so heroic a woman. But after a day or two he began to be anxious. Why did Chiang Kai-Shek and his wife spend an hour every morning, talking quietly to each other? Were they plotting and planning to escape? With the courtesy so common to the Chinese he asked if he might join their daily secret conclave. They expressed evident joy at the suggestion! This surprised him.
The fact was, their “conclave” consisted of a “quiet time” over the Word of God.
The General became interested. He began to ask questions. He became convicted of sin; and soon asked to receive Christ as his personal Saviour. And then he immediately gave them permission to return home.
So at this hour of grave crisis, of untold suffering, and bitter anguish, poor China—the greatest heathen country in the world—has a Christian Dictator! What a story of the wonder working Saviour. “Christian Victory.”