A Contrast

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
In 1874, in the city of London, David Livingstone was buried in Westminster Abbey. The streets were lined with people, thousands of them, seeking to pay respect to the memory of that great pioneer missionary.
As the funeral cortege moved along, a poor old man was noticed weeping bitterly. He was poorly clad and unkempt. Someone asked him the cause of his grief.
"I'll tell you," the old man replied. "Davie and I were born in the same village. We attended the same day school and Sunday school. We worked at the same loom. But Davie went that way and I went this. Now he is honored by the nation, and I am in the gutter, neglected, unknown and dishonored."
Yes, everyone must choose whether or not he will walk with Christ.
"Choose you this day whom ye will serve." Joshua 24: 15.