A Cowboy's Story

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Bob Hanson didn’t look like a regular Bible-store customer. He looked like a relic of the old Wild West! One eye was gone (shot out in a gunfight); his hand was tucked in his hip pocket as though feeling his revolver, and his ten gallon hat balanced itself on the back of his head. In fact, he looked like a bandit ready to hold up the stage when he strode briskly into the American Bible Society bookstore in San Francisco and demanded, “I want the book of Mark!”
As the surprised clerk in the store brought him a copy of the gospel of Mark, Bob brought his huge fist down on the counter with a resounding whack. He said: “This is the book that brought me to God four years ago, in one of the lowest lodging houses in this city. Funny how God works, isn’t it? I’ll tell you the story.
“For years I was a cowboy in Arizona. I came to ’Frisco four years ago for a blowout. After a night of hitting it up, I woke up in one of the rottenest lodging houses in this city. But you know, I saw on the table in my room a little book. I read its title: ‘The Gospel by Mark.’ I knew it belonged in the Bible, but why was it in that room? It bothered me, wondering how it got into that place, but I left it alone.
“The next day, after another wild night, I saw the book again and had a sudden feeling that it was there for me. I picked up the book and went over to the Union Park Square and sat on one of the benches in the park.
“I had never read any of the book before, and I just turned the pages to the eleventh chapter. I read there about Jesus driving the thieves out of the temple in Jerusalem.
“That very day I had planned to do something which, if found out, would have sent me to San Quentin. ‘There,’ I said, ‘that’s what I am! I’m a gambler and a thief, and God knows it. Christ could drive out those thieves—He could throw me into hell! He’s a great Man, all right! He’s the One I need!’ And there on the park bench four years ago I put my trust in Christ.
“Mister, I want that book of Mark. That book, and that book alone, brought me to God.”
What a testimony to the life-giving Word of God!
You may know nothing of the kind of life which this cowboy had lived, but you need the same Saviour. The Bible says: There is no difference: for all have sinned. (Romans 3:22,23.) Degrees of guilt there may be, but all are sinners before God and on the way to everlasting punishment. Will you not turn now to Him and be saved?
For whosoever shall call upon the name
of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:13