Memory Verse: “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12
Near the town where we live is an area called Turner Falls, Oklahoma. It gets its name from a series of little waterfalls on the small river that flows through this rocky country.
One of the favorite spots in Turner Falls is the “Old Swimming Hole.” At the base of the largest falls a natural pool has been formed by the water plunging over the cliff. Because of its rocky bottom, the water is clear and clean. Many people admire its beauty and also enjoy swimming in its cool water.
Though the pool is inviting there are some hidden dangers. As might be expected the bottom of this natural pool is uneven. There are some unexpected “holes,” making some deep places that cannot be seen. A grownup could stand in some of these holes, but a boy or girl would be in water too deep for them.
One time we went to Turner Falls for a day of picnicking and swimming. It was great fun to get close to the falls where we could feel the cool mist made by the falling water.
This day a young girl stepped into one of these unexpected holes and suddenly was in water over her head. Fortunately, when the girl stepped into the deep water her daddy was very near and came immediately to help her. Though he could not swim, he thought his longer legs made it safe for him to be the rescuer. Suddenly, he stepped into a hole so deep the water was over his head. Now both of them were in danger. But to everyone’s relief both of them were quickly rescued.
This story should make us stop and think. One moment we may be having fun and enjoying life, and in the next moment we may be in serious danger. Actually, unless you have already trusted the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour, you are in danger every moment. You could die and be called into eternity in an instant. Listen to what the Word of God, the Bible, says and obey it. The book of Amos warns us all: “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12.
The girl thought she was safe in her daddy’s arms, even though she knew he could not swim. Is it possible that you think you are safe by trusting something besides the precious blood of Jesus to take away your sins? The Bible plainly says, “Without shedding of blood is no remission.” Heb. 9:22. If anyone tells you there are many ways to heaven, or if they say that we are all going to the same place but only taking different ways, do not believe them. There is only one way: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6, The Lord Jesus loves you. He died on the cross to save you from your sins. He is the Rescuer who can save you and all who believe on Him out of the deep, dangerous waters of punishment for your sins. The little girl’s daddy really tried to save her from the deep water, but he had to be saved out of it himself. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
If you have not yet trusted the Lord Jesus, you are very much like the little girl in water too deep for her. The Lord Jesus loves you and wants to rescue you. He wants to wash all your sins away in His precious, shed blood. He will save you from your sins and be your friend to walk with you through every difficulty of this life.
Will you let Him save you right now?