An aged minister was imploring a young man, whom he had known for years, to decide for Christ.
"You have often told me I have only to say, `Lord, save me,' and I shall be all right," answered the young man. But I can do this any day, at any time. I shall not turn my thoughts to such things now."
The minister was shocked by the daring infidelity of the young man. He was taken aback by the very words he himself had put into the young man's mouth. He had not preached the gospel in its saving strength, nor had he warned his many hearers of their danger. He knew not what to answer.
In order to be saved one must believe on the Lord Himself. It is not enough to merely say, "Lord, save me." We are not saved by the use of words, as the superstitious suppose they can escape danger by wearing a charm. Faith is heart work, as it is written: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved; for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Rom. 10:9, 10.
The young man went his way with the lie in his heart, determined to enjoy the world up to the last. He stifled his thoughts of eternity by the false hope: "I can when I choose cry, 'Lord, save me.'"
Not long after the above interview, the young man was the victim of a terrible traffic accident.
Those who witnessed it heard him utter but three short words— words he had often used when thwarted or annoyed— black, horrible words: "Devil, take me!"
He was gone. What a horrible mockery of his creed, that "Lord, Save me," uttered at any time would suffice to save his soul!
No sin is so evil as that of trifling with the Son of God, who shed His blood to wash away our sins— who bore the wrath of God due to guilty man, in order that believing on Him, man might be saved.
Decide for Christ today,
And God's salvation see;
Yield soul and body, heart and will
To Him who died for thee.