A Farm Boy Saved

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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NOT FAR from the city of Montreal, Canada, lived Pierre, a young farm boy who was very sincere in his desire to live up to all the rules of his church.
It happened that one day his father asked him to take the team and help a neighbor and his family move some miles away. While traveling along and looking over his humble load of furniture, he noticed in a barrel a New Testament. Out of curiosity he took the book into his hands and read a few chapters as the team jogged along. When their destination was reached, he put the book back in the barrel saying, “I must read the rest of that story.”
Pierre was in earnest, for the next time he went to town he bought a New Testament for himself. He kept it hidden in the barn, and at convenient times, when his father wasn’t around, during the next six months, he read it. What a pleasant and wonderful surprise he received!
He saw from those holy pages that our Lord Jesus Christ had come all the way from heaven’s glory down to this scene of sin and woe and died for sinners. He learned also that there are “none good, no, not one,” regardless of what church or denomination one belongs to, or even how sincere one may be. He realized that this was sadly true of himself, but he took God at His Word, and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ whose finished work is sufficient to meet the need of every sinner. Believing on Him, Pierre was saved. The more he read, the more he learned that Christ’s work on the cross was all that God could ask for in order to put away sin, and God assures us, “Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
Pierre’s father was very angry when he found out what had happened to his son. One day he discovered him reading his Testament, and snatching the book, he threw it away. The father had others come to talk with his son in hopes of getting him to give up his new religion. But as God’s Word says, “There is one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,” these efforts were in vain.
Finally Pierre was excommunicated, and his father would have nothing more to do with him. He gave him a few dollars and sent him away.
But, thank God, Pierre had something better than mere religion; he had found Christ. He knew his sins were forgiven, he was happy and enjoying the peace that comes only through accepting Christ as Saviour.
And now, dear reader, I ask you what are you depending upon for salvation — religion, good deeds, doing the best you can? None of these or any other human merit will ever obtain salvation for you. God loves you, and gave His Son to die for your sins, and that is the only way whereby you can be saved. Scripture says, “Prepare to meet thy God.” If you don’t have a Bible, get one and like dear young Pierre, read for yourself and may you experience the blessedness of knowing Christ as your Saviour.
The Saviour calls, He knows thy sin;
But trust Him now, He’ll enter in;
And He thy heart will satisfy,
And every needed grace supply.
The Saviour calls, oh, come and see
What things He hath prepared for thee!
Life, love and joy from God on high,
By Christ Himself to thee brought nigh.