A Fatal Delay of Three Minutes.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
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A GREAT deal of mystery still hangs over the Wall Street, New York, bomb explosion, which took place in September last. Of the movers in this foul and murderous plot no complete trace has been made; and though their destructive work, which caused such sorrow, bereavement and death, remains unpunished, yet they shall give an account of all this to God ― even though they succeed in foiling the attempts of justice in their discovery. God will unfailingly bring all their sins to light, and justly mete the deserved punishment, unless they repent.
This instant hurling of so many innocent people into eternity should not be passed by unheeded by men, but serve as a warning to them, to the intent that they may be ready whenever the call comes, and in whatever form it may come.
One of the victims of this explosion was a young lady stenographer of rather exceptional ability; she had left her office and was on her way to lunch. A gentleman friend met her and conversed with her for about three minutes. He returned directly to his office, and immediately the terrible explosion took place. Subsequently he learned that this poor young lady had been killed, and stated that had he not detained her for those three minutes (which he greatly regretted), she would doubtless have passed the danger zone in safety. We do not know how this unfortunate young lady died, and can only hope that through the work of Christ she was ready. What momentous issues for her hung upon that short space of time!
Were you, dear reader, as near to death just now, as that young lady was when conversing with her friend, how would you face it? Could you say with one, whose last words on earth were: ―
“Christ ― is ―precious.
The Lord is my trust.”
Or would death come to you as an unwelcome visitor, indeed, as an enemy? Would it find you in your sins? If so, where Jesus is you could never come.
Oh, do not lay this paper down without coming to a decision in your soul that henceforth Christ who has died for you, and risen again, shall be your Saviour and Lord. You, too, may be in eternity in three minutes’ time; seize then the present opportunity, as it passes. Once passed, remember, it is gone forever! But once saved, whether it be three minutes more to live, or as many years, you will be able to say with Paul:— “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21).
There will then be only one regret about it ― that you didn’t know Jesus as your Saviour sooner.
A. F. M.