A Father's Love.

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A POOR miner who was living in England, had but one son to whom he was tenderly attached. In the morning when he went to work he would generally take his little boy with him, both of them would place themselves in a large basket to which a strong rope was tied, then they would go down rapidly into the depth of the mine, and when work was finished they would be taken up to the light again in the same manner. One evening when on their way up as usual, the father suddenly heard a terrible cracking above his head, and looking up he noticed with indescribable terror that the rope which held them up was almost broken, and that only a few weak threads now kept them from falling into the fearful abyss below. What could he do! It was evident that the rope was not strong enough to carry both of them any further, and there was not a moment to be lost. So he resolved at once to sacrifice his life to save his child. Hastily putting his boy into the bottom of the basket, he kissed him for the last time, and weeping said to him, “Charles, kiss your mother for me.” As he said those words he threw himself into the dark abyss below.
How great was that father’s love for his child. But what was that love, compared with the love which led the Lord Jesus to come from the bright glory of His home in heaven, down to this dark, wicked world to die on the cross for His enemies—for lost sinners.
Oh. how very great His love for us must have been. Yes, His love was stronger than death and the power of sin. May each dear young reader bow before Him. He is still longing to fill your heart with the knowledge of His love.
“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.”
“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:9, 10.
R. R.
ML 04/15/1900