A Few Letters from Christian Friends

“God has blessed you”
Dear Sir and Brother, ― ... God has blessed you and will bless you, and in the Morning you will see and be glad. Go on and may you and yours see of your efforts and be glad. I am now seventy-five, and thank God in good health.... May God bless you and yours, and may the work go on. ―E.G.
For the Children from Italy
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―Thanks for very kind letter. The circulars you enclosed in last month’s magazine, “A Message from God,” about the children in our own land touched us very much. It is sad to think of the young being taught such terrible things. May God indeed bless your efforts in sending God’s Word to the dear children, my friend, and I send the enclosed for the spread of God’s Word among them in England (£1) ... With greetings in Christ, Yours by His grace, E.B.
A Friend says:
Please accept 10/for the children, wishing I could send more. Yours in our coming Lord, H.M.
Help for the Lord’s Work
Dear Dr. Wreford,—I enclose £1 to help in your work for the Lord... We are so glad to read your circular, and to know of your love towards the children in distributing the gospel to them. Our prayer is that God will bless you and all you do for Him. Yours very sincerely, D.N.
Grave Danger to Children Dear
Doctor, ―Your reference to the grave danger our children are exposed to through the work of the “Proletarian Schools” is the second time the matter has been brought to my notice, and I am glad to know that these facts are being given wide publicity through your leaflet appeal for Testament funds. A co-worker in our small Sunday School suggests that you issue a small tract or leaflet as a warning and appeal to all Sunday School workers and parents who really love the Lord and desire the well-being of the young of our nation... I just pass on the suggestion for your consideration. May the Lord really bless your labors. Yours affectionately, for Christ’s sake, A.E.C. (junr.).
Night School Children
Dear Dr. Wreford, — I am so glad to be able to have a little fellowship with you in the very important work entrusted to you. Please find 10/-enclosed for Testaments.
We are making a special point of encouraging our night school children to commit scripture to memory, and as a little encouragement we offer small rewards in the shape of books. A good many are, I hope, reading a daily portion of the Word. Oh, that the parents may he reached through their children. Yours in Christ,
E. J.