A Finished Work, All Things that Pertain to Life & Godliness

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Open—C. Roberts, N. Whatmough
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The Lord Jesus, we thank you again for this time we have together. We thank you for the liberty we have a coming together this way.
Disciples of old and consistent around thee, Lord Jesus and listen to Thy words and we would be as those today to listen to Thy voice from heaven through Thy word and truth. A minister of Thy Spirit, by whom knowledge chosen those among us were thought we should put a burden on their hearts or will do during this meeting. We pray that there might be attentive to the calling by spirit and that we might call each received from Thee that which is needed, which is Thank you for the resources we have in Thee. Blessed Savior. We thank Thee Father for giving him for us and all that we have in him. We thank Thee for thy word and thy Spirit.
And we would seek to act responsibly together this afternoon in this meeting since I spare might have liberty with us and that we will be edified together in law and Rowan Grayson in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Father, we ask it with confidence in his blessed and precious name, Amen.
I'd like to read a passage and the Epistle to the Hebrews.
And I might say that can everyone hear me clearly?
I was told that someone had a difficulty in hearing me. I suppose maybe my hearing aids, but I remember I had an outdoor service for once a week for a number of years that a farmers market and the people in the farmers market, the businessmen complained that I was disruptive and too loud.
But of course, the people who ran the farmers market were Christian people, and they didn't run me out.
So I hope that everyone can hear me. No problem at all. OK, Well, it's all my heart this afternoon to bring us something before the finished work of Christ. And there's a passage in Hebrews that I'd like to read as we pick up with verse 26.
For if we sin willfully, after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses.
Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who had trodden under foot the Son of God, and have counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith He was sanctified as an unholy thing?
And hath done despite unto the spirit of grace.
For we know him that has said, Vengeance belongeth to me.
I will recompense, saith the Lord, and again the Lord shall judge his people.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Many people take this as a possibility for a Christian to lose their salvation, but before we get into that too far, I would like to read a few verses. In the first part of the chapter 10 it tells us in verse one the law having a shadow of the good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offer year by year continually make.
Commerce thereunto perfect. I believe we start off here by seeing the inadequacy of the sacrificial system. Now God, you know, has actually instituted that the ironic priesthood and the animal sacrifices were all shadows and pictures of some of the substance who was to come the Lord Jesus Christ. So when we pick up in verse 2 for then would they not have ceased to be offered because.
That the worshippers once purged.
Should have no more conscience of sins, but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
Here is of the verse, for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats.
Should take away sin. So we see the Apostle sums up in the 1St 4 verses here the the insufficiency of the Mosaic law and the sacrificial system. It was only put in place as a shadow for things to come.
The Apostle Paul, though he he was a staunch Pharisee, he was raised up in in the very atmosphere of animal sacrifice bleeds and it was all his heart. Now what does he say?
He must have learned something along the line because he says it is impossible that that.
Blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. Now the Apostle Paul has established here for us the fact that the Judaic system has come to an end. It it could not do the job. It was only a picture, a shadow of what was going to come.
Now we pick up on that in verse 5. Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he said sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not but a body. Hast thou prepared me wonderful to think of this, that the Lord Jesus Christ had a literal body. We had somebody mention that in the reading meeting. The fact that he was born has a little tiny babe. But if you and I could go back in time.
To that born, to that place where the young woman, the Jewish woman was pregnant and was going to give birth to a little child. That one that she brought into this world was God manifest in the flesh. That's what it tells us. He came into this world. He became a man. This was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened. I've mentioned it maybe a few times in the past, but when you think of the fact that that.
This little planet on which we live.
So infinitesimally small, not even as big as a grain of sand in an ocean because of the vastness of the universe. But it's plays the most important part in the role of God's unveiling of himself. It's a platform that God has used to demonstrate to a wandering world. Angels, principalities, archangels, all of the various orders of those creations, they stood back. Angels desire to look into these things.
When God himself became a member of the human race and was born in Bethlehem's Manger. And we know the full story too.
Philippians, the second chapter.
Now let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God.
He thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation.
Took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of manner. Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself unto death. Even I became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Oh yes, this is what we have when we have this here God is sitting aside one for the other. Now in verse six he says in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin, Thou has had no pleasure.
Then said I, I come in, the volume of the book is written of me to do thy will. Oh God. And we know what that garden of Gethsemane, when he came right down to that point where he was going to go to the cross and bear our sins. Not my will, but thy will be done.
Did I cop he knew couldn't pass from him. He came into the world. This is why he came and ordered that he might die. And now we have here and verse 8 above and above when he says sacrifice and offerings and burnt offerings and offerings for sin that would not neither have pleasure in them that are offered by the law, then here's what he says then said he.
Lo, I come to do thy will, O God.
He taketh away the 1St, that He may establish the second. Now the passage that we read about, if we send willfully, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. Basically, I believe we have these Jewish people who had been taken in by the wonderful news that Jesus was the Messiah, that He died upon the cross. They had gone along with the crowd, but then they had gone back.
They had turned back.
And that's what I believe the significance of this. It says here that if they do that, there is no more sacrifice for sins, but a fearful looking for a fiery judgment and fiery indignation, that that shall devour the adversaries. It doesn't say that they shall devour those who are sinners. There's a means by which we sin. We, we, we can come to God if we confess our sins.
That can be restored, but the text that we read here in verse 26, I believe, has to do with those Jewish people.
That had heard the gospel and they had gone back. They had gone back to old Judaism.
And the very time that the apostle right here, right here, I bet you I was saying that you, I ventured to say that they were busy offering animal sacrifices. You could probably get near where they were were having their temple. You could probably smell the blood of death and and and and and burnt place being burned. They were busy offering animal sacrifices. But what does the apostle say?
He says that in though it isn't for it is impossible.
That the blood of bulls and goats should take away sin. Well, I want to come down to verse. Let's see.
OK verse 10 by which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all?
Once for all, there is no repetition of this. He has completed the work. We started out by saying the finished work of Christ. The all sufficiency of the atonement of Christ the Lord Jesus Christ has divided people. Men divide people in this world. Men will divide you on the basis of color or creed or culture or social status and so forth. But God divides men too.
That Jesus brought the vision amongst men in his lifetime and many want went back and walked not with him but how much more in his death. People are divided into two classes in this world.
The saved and the unsaved, the St. and the Sinner, Those who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ and on their way to heaven and glory, and rebels who have rejected His grace and continued on in their sins.
Yes, Jesus still divides men. And I would venture to say that in this audience right here, we have division. We have people sitting in these seats right here today. And I don't like to think of it, but in all probability they will be in hell for eternity simply because that they have not taken the side that God wants them to take and be born again and to be saved, the finished work of Christ. And then he goes on to tell us down here.
Every priest stands daily ministering and oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins.
But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down.
On the right hand of God, from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
Now the next verse says, For by one offering he hath perfected forever.
Them that are sanctified one offering. I was recently mailing some packages in the post office and I told this postal clerk who was acting as a postmistress that I was going to a Bible conference. And she said something to me about, well, I hope you can get closer to heaven or something of this nature. I said, well, I said, I know that if I die, I'll go right to heaven. She said, what happened? You know that?
How can anybody know that? I said, because Jesus paid for all of my sins. He died upon the cross and all of our sins were laid upon Him. I said to her, I said not just a part of them. I said all of our sins were laid upon Him. Now I felt sorry for this woman. I'll tell you why. She was an Irish Catholic brought up in the Church and did not know the fact of salvation.
You know, the Word of God tells us, and of course the Roman Church doesn't do this, but there's two major doctrines in the Scripture that you all must be clear on.
Number one, it's the complete lostness of people in sin. You're not just partially lost. Now the Roman Church says, oh, yes, we've all sinned, but we're not completely lost. And then the second thing is the all sufficiency of the tone. That's what I started out to say, the finished work of Christ. They do not preach that they they, they have. It's a sad thing that we have to confront every day. And I know people and you know, people that all of that faith and we try to be diplomatic with them. We don't try to offend them, but we know for certain.
That the Roman Catholic Church.
Has corrupted Christianity. The priest now has the the the what they call the priest when he offers up the mass and has a little wafer thing, he said. This is a true sacrifice for the dead and the living sinners.
And then by magic word, it's supposed to transform into the very body and blood of Christ.
That's what they're saying but what does the word of God tell us that it tells us down in verse 18. Now we're a remission of these is there is no more offering for sin. The complete work of Christ that Jesus on that cross did everything that was necessary. All of our sins were laid upon him. It tells us who his own self bear in his own body are sins on the cross we being deadly.
Should live in the righteousness by whose stripes we were healed. He suffered at the tax, and Isaiah tells us that He was wounded for our transgressions. He was ruined for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by His stripes we are healed. Never forget, believe me, never forget, the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ has gone through for you and for me.
On that cross.
And that's a finished work. He's a finished work. He absorbed all of those things.
You know, back in Abraham's time, when Abraham had Isaac and bound him and put him upon that altar.
He took that knife up. Of course before that Isaac has said to his dad Abraham, he said where is the lamb, you know for a burnt offering? And Abraham said God will provide himself a lamb. Abraham had the life of ready to plunge into his son. But you know the story that he was stopped and he found an offering in the author. But The thing is when we come to the Lord Jesus Christ.
He was not spared. The sword of divine justice of God was laid upon him. He bare our sins in his own body, the finished work of Christ. The people are divided into two classes, those people who know it and receive it, and those people who are ignorant of it or reject it. That's the two classes that we have.
The whole world is divided into two religions.
Do and done.
Every false religion in this world seeks to do something to pacify God.
To make God obligated to them.
In order for God to accept them.
I say it without fear of contradiction. The word of God tells us that there's only one sacrifice, there's no more sacrifice, and that sacrifices we have read together here tonight.
And it tells us here that.
Verse 14 for by one offering.
He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, and at verse 18 there is where there is remission or release of these, there is no more sacrifice. No more sacrifice.
It's not very pleasant for me or for you or anyone else to think of a big ecclesiastical system that has actually corrupted and has kept people away from the the very thing that would save them. This poor lady that was a Roman Catholic dedicated to the Church did not know the full story of redemption. Oh, she'd been brought up in a religious atmosphere. She believed that baptism took away original sin. They say that's when you're born again.
Then in confirmation they say, well, that's when you receive the Holy Spirit. Well then when you start your life on earth, then you have to confess your sins to a a priest. That takes away your continuing sense and it may give you indulgences to do. You're not ready for heaven. Now you have to call the priest when you die, he comes to there the bed and he administers to you extreme auction that takes away more of your sins. Now you're not ready for heaven yet.
Now you're going to get the priest to say, Matthew, he's going to raise that little wafer up there and says, as he says sometimes.
This is your God, a sacrifice for the living, a true sacrifice for the living and for the dead.
I submit to you that is a lie. Now I try to deal just demonic with with my gromocytic friends and I know a lot of them. I wouldn't want to offend them. I try to when I try to do with them is I try to give them assurance of what God has done for me and tell them that through the precious blood of Jesus that my sins have been washed away. I don't deserve heaven, but God loved me, Sonny's Son and that through his atoning death upon the cross.
That I have salvation.
And leave that with Him. Of course, sometimes you may be called upon a little stronger. I'm not saying that you should follow that in all cases. But there is a problem. But here's another problem that we have. The Word of God tells us there is no more offering for sin.
Jesus has done it all.
The work is done, done by God's Almighty Son. This to faith is now so clear. There is no room for torturing fear. Yes, we can rest assured that the Lord Jesus Christ, He hath begun a good work on us, will perfect it and continue it until that day when we are with Him. We have been saved from the penalty of sin, but we're being saved from the power of sin. That's what we've had in Second Peter.
We are being saved from the power of sin that God wants to reproduce in US that life of holiness. Without holiness, no man shall see the glory and that's what we we we were being daily. We're having to power over sin in our lives. All we may fall.
We may wander that God will bring us back. He brought me back. I thank God for that. Now we have a little further on down here.
Where he says verse 17 and their sin and iniquities will I remember no more.
Someone has said how can this be?
How can it be? I don't know.
God is omniscient.
I don't know. I don't think anybody knows their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
Isn't that wonderful? I wish I could remember something, not remember some of my sins.
I remember as a young soldier.
In Nuremberg in 1945, I had a wonderful friend who was our captain of our company. I used to play ping pong with him. We played ping pong. We lived in a big mansion on Dukes of **** Strasser and I got to knowing where while we were friends, he, he helped me out on many things and I got into a confrontation with a German, a former German fighter pilot and somehow another. He got hurt.
And I could have been sent to the stockade. He spared me that. But anyhow, I was detailed to a town called Wurtsburg. And I had another problem with a big a soldier up there. It was a big, tall Jewish soldier. And he and I just went at it. I mean, we just could not get along. And Captain Raybaugh left from down Nuremberg to come up to settle this dispute. And I never will forget it. It's impressed on my mind that it'll never leave. And I've tried to forgive myself for it. And I think the Lord, I know the Lord has forgiven me. But he got there and he said, what's the trouble, He said, with you and so and so. And boy, young soldier, 18 years old, stupid, ignorant, I don't know why I said it.
I said I don't like him, he's a Jew.
Well, the Holocaust had just happened. Millions of Jews were put to death and burnt, reduced the ISIS. And here I'm standing in front of a man that was my friend, and I said because he's a Jew. That was terrible. And you know what Captain Rava? Did he turn around.
And walked away and.
Later on found out that he was Jewish and all my heart just smoked me. It has been 60 years ago.
And I still have a hard time dealing with it but.
God has forgiven me. What does it say here? Their sins and their iniquities. I will remember no more.
And I believe that that's a very good starting point for you and I with our brethren. If God has said this, I think we should say this. It's a wonderful thing to think that one day in our glorified bodies in heaven that we will not remember our failures, our sins. I think of David.
And Bathsheba and Uriah and the Glory Land. David will be there.
They'll all be there. There won't be any remembrance. God will not remember those sins. I don't know how they will do it. He will not remember and we will not remember.
We will live there in that glorified body and the perfect state that God has brought us into, and we will not remember and God will not remember.
So, and that's a wonderful precious thing to me. Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. But the verse that we read down here, basically I believe it comes to the brings us to the fact that many people take this verse and say that a Sinner can be lost, that once you can be saved today, you can be lost tomorrow. No, it doesn't happen that way.
In fact, we touched upon it and briefly some of our readings. When we were born again, we receive a new nature and we receive something and definition to that we receive the Holy Spirit.
So we have we're brought into a relationship that will never end. Now there's a verse of Scripture and Mark I'd like to make reference to is that the Lord says, many will say unto me in that day, Lord, Lord.
Have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name have done many wonderful works? I just boosted my free will.
Baptist brethren were here today to hear what I want to say because the Lord Jesus said depart from me. I never knew you. He didn't say I once knew you. He didn't say you were baptized and you lived a pretty good Christian life. But toward the end you went off on a tangent and then now you know you're lost. No, he didn't. That verse tells us it's very possible.
That religious people can prophecy can teach in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and yet not know him and they can do cast out devils. That's a that's a feat in itself. Now, if you look at it either two ways, they might they might be casting out devils the betterment of society, or are they feeding the poor and clothing the needy and so forth. Or you might look at it and the fact that they actually do cast out demons.
But what's the next one is that and done many wonderful works in thy name.
And Jesus says to them.
Depart from me, for I never knew you.
Didn't say I once knew you. No, no, no, for there is no other offering for sin. That one offering we're sanctified by the body of Christ once and for all the finished work of Christ. The work is done and now we we find that these people in verse 26 he says here, if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth.
There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. I believe the first one we read in verse 18 has to do with the Christian.
Efficiency of the Atonement of Christ.
It tells us here verse 18, where remission of these is there is no more offering for sin once and for all. And then in verse 26, I believe we have the atonement of Christ in reference to those who are lost. Or it tells us here in verse 27, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation.
Which shall devour the adversaries? Oh, I thought was devourer centrist. No, no.
Adversaries, those who have taken opposite sides, those who have gone back to the old sacrificial system, to offering animals and sacrifices. That's why it says here, I believe that.
Fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries, there's the people that's going to devour. And that's what they did. Because in verse 25 of this chapter, it says, it tells us here not the forsaking of the assembling of yourself together.
As the manner of some is so some of these people here in this verse 25 have been the very people that have gone back going back to old Judaism, going back to the old ritualistic system of the animal sacrifice and what is Paul the Paul says there is no more sacrifice for sins. No, no, there's only one and that sacrifices all sufficient. Of course, this verse two also may have other implications to it and simply it means that we should we as Christians should not forsake ourselves.
Ourselves together.
Many people, including myself at one time thought you could wing it.
That you could listen to tapes, you could read the Bible, you could, you could study. And I, and I did that. I remember I used to study the Scriptures every night from 5:00 to 11:00. I had great delight in just reading the Word and stuff. But that doesn't take the place of being where the Lord wants us to be. Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
I know had to start experience of leaving that place and I can tell you one thing and of course there was a big ego. Ego is a terrible thing, I'll tell you that. God has helped me, He has enabled me, He has humbled me, He has brought me to the dust and I thank God for the joy and the privilege of being back where the two or three are gathered in His name and there to remember Him.
Why? I had a friend of mine I worked with a on a on a.
A research program for Sturgeon and I worked with two biologists, and one of them was a wonderful woman. She just stopped by the other day to visit me, her and her friend.
We were talking about Scripture and about the Bible they had in the house and she said to me, she said I don't go to church. She said she gave accent to, you know, the Christianity. She wasn't a Pagan. She had been raised in the church.
She said to me and it stuck with me in my mind, I can't get it out, she said. It doesn't do anything for me.
It doesn't do anything for me. Oh, it hurt me. It hurt me so bad. But you know the answer to that is this when we go to remember the Lord Jesus Christ.
We don't go to get something.
We go to give something, and you know why He is worthy. He died on that cross and shed His precious blood for me. My sins were laid upon Him, and I can tell you one thing.
We go to remember him, to praise him, to worship him. Why he is worthy. He deserves it, the little hymn says. Worthy of homage and appraise, worthy by all to be adored. Exhaust the seam of heavenly face thou Thou art worthy, Jesus, Lord, He is worthy. That's why we go. It's wonderful to have a Christian brother around us.
We might adjust to some, we might not adjust to others, but that's not the point where we go. There's nothing special about being gathered to his precious name. There where the Lord Jesus said in a special way, there am I in the midst of them. So it's wonderful to think of that text that the Lord brought me back and I'm so grateful. So thankful He had to humble me. I tell you, I had an ego as big as the house.
I remember sitting at a meeting down in Key West, FL. I happened there was a very important fishery meeting. They had a senator, I suppose he gives a keynote address.
And I sat next to the assistant and we got talk and we had 10 minutes back and forth. We were speaking and so forth. And I could say that he was chafing under it, working for this senator, and he began to tell me about him.
He said he got an eagle. He said as big as a house.
I thought that's me.
Thank God who brought me back.
I'm very happy to be here again together. It's the Lord's name, but you know.
It's his faithfulness, not mine. I remember I just happened to mention to her brother today in the hallway. The only time I ever signed on him, Christ will hold me fast. I remember Doctor Mason, he was leading at the Chapel service that night. That's the only time I ever signed on him. But I'll tell you one thing, I've never forgotten him. I think that lyrics go, Christ will hold me fast.
For my Savior loves me.
Thank God for that. We praised his wonderful name that he will hold us last. But the finished work of Christ is what we want to emphasize tonight as we read these scriptures together. It says he that despise moves his Lord died without mercy under two or three witnesses. Now the apostle is contrasting what what we have in the old system with what we have in in on the new system. He takes away the first it tells us.
That He may establish the 2nd. And that's what we have. We have now the finished work of Christ.
On the cross. And it says here that the one who despised Moses law, he died without mercy, under two or three witnesses. Then he goes on to say, Of how much sore punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy?
Which trodden under foot the Son of God.
Hammered the blood of the covenant, wherewith He was sanctified as an unholy thing, and have done despite unto the spirit of grace.
Well, there's three things that he did here. They tried on the foot the Son of God. Now this has an application to everybody. The Jewish people, of course, primarily is what we're talking about here. They tried on to put the Son of God that counted it as nothing. And that precious blood is not to be tried upon. You know the story and, and, and exodus, that blood was put upon the doorpost and the lentil.
But it wasn't put upon the threshold. You know that, precious blood speaks.
Of volumes to us of the wondrous loving grace of God. As that precious hymn says, there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel veins and senator voiced in that plus flood lose all their guilty stains. This is the basis about which the finished work of Christ's rest. He has completed it all. You remember we mentioned in our our reading about the righteousness of God.
Now I would say to you today you could go in on Google, the great search engine, you could type in the righteousness of God and it was going to bring up to you so many volumes and so much literature. It would take you months to drive through it. Or you could turn to one of our hymns puts us so very simply. I think I quoted that hymn to you. But this is the basis on which God can forgive, you know.
Plato wrote some of the works of Socrates down.
And Plato records the fact that one day Socrates said to him, he says Plato, it might be that the deity can forgive sins.
But I don't see hell.
Oh, we see how now the perfect righteousness of God is witnessed in the Savior's blood tis in the cross of Christ. We Christ His righteousness, yet wondrous grace. God could not pass the Sinner by His sin demands that he must die. But in the cross of Christ we see how God can save yet righteous day.
The Sinner lights on Jesus head tis in his blood. Since that is paid stern justice can demand more and righteousness can dispenser store The Sinner who believes is free and say the savior died for me can point to the atoning blood and say this made my peace with God. There you have it.
In his simplest forms, you know, the hymns are a great vehicle to communicate to us the deep things of God. You cannot find any clearer definition of the righteousness of God in that under that hand. But there's another him too. Oh, the peace forever flowing from God's thoughts of his own Son. All the peace of simply knowing on the cross that all was done.
Peace with God the blood in heaven speaks a pardon now to me. Taste with God the Lord is risen. Righteousness now counts me free. The finished work of Christ. There cannot be any other sacrifice, for there is no other offering. Once and for all He sat down at the right hand of God. We all know and heard many times about that high priest.
As he went into the holy of Holies and once a year, not without blood, but we know that there was no chair there and he couldn't stay there. But the Lord Jesus Christ has taken all of our sins away. The veil has been rent. He has sat there at the right hand of God. There's four times in Epistle to the Hebrews that tells us that the Lord Jesus sat down.
Four times.
As a study in itself, but He is the one that has accomplished it all, the finished work of Christ.
And it tells us in the end, bringing this down now to verse. Well, it might just comment upon the fact that the the spirit of grace.
I believe the spirit of grace of the Holy Spirit the tugs at your heart and tells you you're not ready for heaven.
You need to accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your one heartbeat away from hell today. There are people in this room. I know Jesus is the great divider of man there. Thank God there's so many of us here that are safe, but I would venture to say there are some sitting in their seats right today whose heart has not turned to the Lord. You're putting it off, but they have done despite the spirit of grace. I don't know how long or how many times or opportunities that God will give you, but there is a limit to which God has sat.
For every individual, the little verse says, there is a time we know not when.
A place we know not where that marks the destiny of men to glory or despair.
He looked at me and I said yeah, play me. Jesus loves me.
You know what he did?
Replace Jesus loves me. There's a lot of people who know he just loves me, but they haven't come back to know Him. I don't ask people anymore. Do they know the Lord? You want to ask them?
Does the Lord know you? That's the important thing. But the Spirit of grace, the Holy Spirit will tug at your heart. He did mine and He made me feel my sin. And I hope tonight, if you're here without Christ, tonight, if you're in your sins, you know you should be saved and you haven't come to the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that God will make you so miserable that you will never have any peace until you bow before Him as a guilty, lost Sinner.
And come and accept Him as your Lord and your Savior.
Because the next verse down here tells us it is a fearful thing to.
All into the hands of the living God.
Terrible thing.
I tell you one thing, you must meet him.
God will have the last word.
You might rant against him, you might race against him, you might neglect him, you might reject him, you might talk all you want, but I'll tell you one thing. God will have the last word. It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this, the judgment. Oh, I just would hope and pray that this the word, what the word of God tells us that that work is finished. There is no more offering for sin. There is no more sacrifice.
For sins, it has been completed, it has been accomplished. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord.
Oh my soul, that's that lovely hymn, what we can say, and I'd love it so much. My sin, all the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin, not in part, but the whole is nailed to his cross, and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord, O my soul.
I wonder if we could look for a few moments at a verse in Matthew 13.
We've been hearing about some exceedingly precious promises in the Present Truth in Peters epistle.
And the Lord asked him a question in Matthew 13 and verse 51. Jesus said unto them, Have you understood all these things? And they said unto him, Yeah, Lord. Then he said unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed under the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder that bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.
This verse brings back to mind a story of a young man who, through a gospel tract, found himself in a great home, staying in a great home full of many precious things.
And he would pick up one thing and they'd say, oh, yes, this was a brooch that Marie Antoinette wore, or this was a sword that the king carried, or this was a bedroom set that was given by the Italian royal family to this house when there was a marriage and so on. And his house was full of treasures. He was a young man, and he didn't really know very much about those things and didn't really value those things very much.
And years past, 30 years passed later and he passed by that house with his own son.
And all this situation very well, there was a sign on the door, admission $7.00. And they went into the house and took a tour of this house. And those are quite a group of people. And the house was empty. There were no treasures in it anymore. And people were kind of booing and aweing at the beautiful architectural features of this house. And this man who had been a young man, who was now an older man, was in the house looking and was quite a look on his face. And the tour guide stopped and he said, you know, he said, I never saw this house with the treasures in it. He said you obviously did by the look on your face.
And I think of you, dear young people, you know, I don't think there's one person in this room, and my wife's not here, but even my wife, that I would know if it were not for the great and precious promises and the blessing of the truth. I don't think Ron would know his wife, I don't think.
With no brigitta probably in the way that he does, or that you would have the friends that you have. And these are very, very precious things that the world doesn't know anything about. I crossed the border once and they're going to Vestal. And the border guard said to me, why would you know anybody in Vestal? And I said, Oh dear, this is going to be a hard question to answer. And we say these are precious promises and we just enjoy quiet order among people that love us. And we've had brethren that we'd have no reason to know here in Dorothy that have cared for us and gone out of their way to accommodate us.
And these are very precious things and we may not realize that at all. There was a Canadian family that once bought the House of Emily Carr and the artist, she was kind of eccentric and they didn't know the value of things. They cleaned out the attic and burned it all and they realized afterwards they had $1,000,000 bonfire in the backyard. And maybe some of you young people are like that. Well, that's why I speak of the household, because the household are the things that we collect around ourselves and that are important to us. When we're single, we can pack everything into the back of a station wagon and move and through and married a few years. You've got a household full of things.
And householder is something that has something, and we have a treasure. And you may not realize it, but every scribe that is instructed, he says under the Kingdom of heaven we have an everlasting Kingdom. We've read of that in Peter. But in the Kingdom of heaven is like a man that is a householder. Man speaks of responsibility and headship and bringeth out of his treasure things new and old. Let me just turn to a verse in Leviticus chapter 26.
I think it's going to highlight the order of the words there.
Leviticus 26, I believe.
10 Thank you, and you shall eat the old store, and bring forth the old because of the new. Thank you very much.
When they came into the land that they that the Lord had promised them, Ye shall eat the old store and bring forth out of the old because of the new. Let's just turn to one other verse in the Song of Solomon to just bear this out because it's a consistent thing. And I think that this is a difficulty sometimes to many of us as believers.
Song of Solomon, Chapter 7.
Verse Verse 12. Let us get up early to the vineyard, and let us see if the vine flourished, whether the tender grape appear in the pomegranate. Spud forth, and there will I give thee my loves. The mandrakes give a sweet smell, and our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I've laid up for thee, O my beloved.
We have learned in Peter that we have all things that contribute to life and godliness.
Through the knowledge of him.
Paul wrote to Timothy. He said to him, all Scripture, all scripture is given by inspiration of God.
If I was asked anybody to come up here with a pair of scissors and take a pair of scissors to this Bible and tell me which page should I cut up, cut out, that is not profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction. I don't think there would be one person that would stand up in this room and say, well, yes, there's pages in the Bible that are not profitable for that.
But what we have here in Matthew is it's a scribe. That's one that diligently studied the Word of God. I understand that the scribes would copy by hand the scriptures, and if there was one mistake they found, they would destroy all their work and start over because they said if we made one, maybe we made more than one.
They were diligent and there was diligence in connection with it, but they had the old because of the new.
And unless we understand the present truth into which God has placed us, we're never going to understand this blessed book. And our brothers brought before us a little bit the warning of going back to Judaism, a Judaism system of rules and regulations. And you know, when we were younger, Heinz said it to his mother. It didn't work. Ron said it to his mother. I said it to mine. And everyone in this Reuben said it to his.
Well, just show me, why can't I do this? This so and so's down the road they do it. And they opened this book and they said it's because of what the word of God says, and they opened up a scripture.
We wanted to put ourselves under law. Just give me a rule. And they wanted to bring before us the word of God, because man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. In the Old Testament there were people under law that really had a nature that was opposed to God. And so it stood there, and it said, Thou shalt and thou shalt not. But you know, as our brother was bringing before us, he takes it away the 1St. That he might establish the 2nd. If any man is in Christ, there is a new creation.
And he said there were two groups in this room. There's actually three in the Scripture. I don't, I'm not questioning, correcting what he said, but because one of those groups is divided into two, You're either a Jew, a Gentile, or the Church of God. You're either under law or you're a Gentile without hope and without God in this world, or you're a new creature in Christ.
And you have a desire to please the Lord, and I don't care what you look like or how you're going on with, but if you really belong to the Lord, you have a nature that can only be happy by doing the will of God. And if you're an unhappy believer, if I'm an unhappy believer, it's because I'm not being obedient to the word of God. That is the new present truth into which we've been brought. He's not trying to fix up the old. He's not.