A gallant ship was the Oita. Staunch, beautiful and seaworthy, she stood an excellent example of a passenger transport, and many were the trips she had made across the great Atlantic in fair and foul weather.
Her captain was a brave and wise man who never lost sight of the fact that his ship was laden with human beings. Therefore his motto was always “Safety first.”
On the particular occasion to which we refer, the good ship was in mid-ocean, plowing her course from the shore of prance to that of the United States. She had on board a large company of American tourists, who had been abroad and were returning to their native land.
How intently they all looked forward to the homecoming. All hearts beat a little faster when they realized that before many suns should rise their own shores would greet their longing vision.
One morning that had risen bright and clear, soon changed and a dense fog set in; one of those weather conditions that every mariner dreads, as it is one of great danger.
The captain forthwith ordered the fog horn to be sounded, and every other minute it boomed loud and long, sending out warning in every direction. It was not long before another foghorn was heard, which proved that another ship was near at hand. It was impossible to see any distance, and the atmosphere was so dense that one could not tell from what direction the sound came.
We have said that the captain was a wise man, he took no chances with the many lives that were entrusted to his care, and he ordered that the ship should stand still. Accordingly, the throb of the great engines ceased, and the Orbita stood motionless for four hours, sounding her warning far out across the deep. At the end of this time the fog lifted and the ship went safely on her way.
What a mercy it is to be warned in time. How many disasters have been averted, and lives saved, by a timely warning.
Probably the thought of danger is something far from the minds of our readers. The sun may be shining, and many just in the bright morning of life, with the natural prospect of many active and happy years before them.
But when we look into the Word of God, we have good reason to question if life on this earth will flow on as smoothly as many expect. Indeed, we are led to believe that some very marked changes will take place in the near future; changes that will result most disastrously for those who are unsaved.
According to the Scripture, the Lord’s coming is very near at hand. It may occur at any moment. He who came in lowly grace and died on the cross in order that a lost world might live, will come again and call away all those who have obeyed His voice, and received Him in faith.
A great shout will be heard in the air, and instantly all those who compose His Church, both the dead and living, will rise to meet Him, and go to be forever in His heavenly home.
And what about those who are not His and are left behind? What about those who have perhaps delayed coming to Christ for the sake of a little worldly pleasure? Ah, theirs will be a sad plight. There will be no hope or salvation then. And, reader, if you are not saved, this is the terrible risk you are taking.
We would raise a warning note to those who are unprepared. As the Orbita sounded out her warning over the sea, so we would in all earnestness, seek to warn you to flee from the wrath to come.
Let “Safety first” be your motto, and that safety is found alone in Jesus. He is the Saviour, the only refuge from the coming storm. All those who heed the warning and flee to Him, will be safely housed in His home above when the storm of judgment breaks in all its fury upon a Christ-rejecting world, from which there will then be no escape.
Be wise and heed the warning, come to Christ without delay, and you will be saved forever. The assurance that a glad eternity awaits you, will add much to your happiness even in this world—a peace and joy that will be realized in its fullness in the ages yet to come.
“The Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians. 2:7, 8.
Do flee to Him for refuge before that time comes. He is saying to you now, “Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37), but He may not say this much longer.
ML 02/08/1931