A Good Answer

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A CLASS of little boys of about seven years were being examined by the inspector in “Religious Knowledge.” At the conclusion of the period the following question was put,
“Can any boy tell me what God cannot see?”
What the inspector had in his mind, one cannot tell, but it was a puzzler to these little boys.
At length one of the boys put up his hand, tremblingly perhaps. The teacher interfered, and ventured to say that this particular boy was rather below standard, and no attention need be given him.
“Never mind,” said the inspector, “we shall see what he has to say.”
“Now then, Sonny, tell me something God cannot see.”
“My sins, sir,” answered the boy. “O! Why?”
“Because the Bible says, ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.’”
Let me ask you if you had been one of the boys in that class, what answer could you have given?
Does God see your sins, are they “in the light of His countenance”? (Psa. 90:8). Are they “before God’s face” (Hosea 7:2)?
If your sins have not been removed so that God cannot see them, it will be terrible to consider that you who read this have not acquainted yourself with God and His remedy for your sins.
The remedy is the blood; the measure of it is cleansing, not merely covering and removing, but cleansing, making that which was sin-stained, clean and pure; and the extent of it is to all.
“What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!”
ML 12/17/1933