A Great Only

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
How often we use the word "only"! "It is only for a little while," comforts the heart. "Only one life to live," spurs the lagging spirit to carry on more faithfully for Christ. And how often the thought that "only" a little longer, and we shall be with and like our Lord, cheers the soul of the believer! Looking ahead, and taking thought for the morrow, as we often do in spite of Matthew 6:34, how often we find that what we had dreaded most was "only" meant for our blessing! So often it is, that direful anticipation proves to be "only" a blessing in disguise.
Recently, I visited a very sick young woman. To comfort her, I said: "It is 'only' to be with Christ."
"Oh," said she. "What a great 'only'!"
Reader, do you think of death like that? It is "only" to be with Christ! Have you ever thought of what that "only" involves?
To be with Christ is to be completely satisfied, for David the sweet singer of Israel says: "In Thy presence is fullness of joy." Psa. 16:11.
Do you know that it is "only" sinners that Jesus saves (Rom. 5: 8)?
It is "only" through His name you can be saved. It is "only" the precious blood of Jesus can give you title to heaven, or make you fit to go there.
And it was God's "only" begotten Son who died on the cross (John 3:16), that "only" might we not perish, but have everlasting life.
Finally, if you are still a poor, doubting sinner, I would say what the Lord said to Jairus in Mark 5:36: "Be not afraid, 'only' believe."
It is a solemn matter to know that "only" a hairsbreadth, so to speak, divides time from eternity. My reader, you may never read of Christ again. How will you put aside this paper—saved, or "only" hoping to be?