WHAT a happy family we see in this picture! The mother cat is sitting at one side, watching her little ones eat their dinner. One pretty kitten is lapping the milk as if she might be very hungry, while another one is peeping over the edge of the dish to see what is inside of it. The old cat is probably hungry too, but she is like a great many other mothers who wait until their children are fed before they will eat their own dinners.
Two of the kittens are through eating and seem to be having a happy time at their play. One sits in the basket and peeps over the edge at the one outside, as if to say come up here and catch me.
We can learn several lessons if we study this picture closely. How happy this little family seems to be! How pleasantly these little kittens play with each other. Many brothers and sisters cannot play very long without quarreling and speaking cross words. It is very sad to see this for the Lord tells us many times in His word to love each other. His own words to us are,
“This is My commandment; That ye love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12.
Again He says to love even our enemies. When we think of His great love for those who nailed Him to the cross, we will surely wish to love and be kind to our own little brothers and sisters, as well as all of our playmates.
One more good thing is plainly seen as we again look at the picture. Both of the kittens at the dish seem to be hungry but they do not push or crowd about in a greedy way, as some children are apt to do when they forget to be kind and thoughtful. Here is a verse we may all learn so that we will always remember to treat everyone in a kind way. Let us not only learn to say it but also think about it each day and try to obey it.
“Be ye kind one to another.” Eph. 4:32.
ML 02/16/1902