A Heart's Desire

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Lord, while we on our journey roam,
Till Thou dost take us to Thy Home
To dwell with Thee;
Help us in all we say and do,
Each thought, each word and action too,
To have Thy glory e’er in view.
Lord, keep us true.
Teach us no more ourselves to trust,
If we would win the fight, we must
Lean hard on Thee.
So keep us ever near Thy side,
That we may in Thy love abide,
In Thee, who for us bled and died,
Lord, may we hide.
We love Thee and would serve Thee, Lord,
O! make the pages of Thy Word
More dear to us.
Reveal Thyself that we may see
Amazing things; learn more of Thee,
So that our lives henceforth may be
More like Thine own.
We feel our weakness, Lord; how true
That we without Thee naught can do
Whilst here below!
But when we’re weak, ‘tis then that Thou
Canst make us strong, wilt show us how
To serve Thee more, if we but bow
To thine own will.
So keep us, Lord, until that day,
When, called from this poor world away,
Thy face we see.
Then when this race of ours is run,
We gather with Thee round Thy Throne,
O! may we hear Thee say, “Well done”;
Lord, let this be.