TWO FISHERMEN were in a boat near Thunder Bay, Ontario, when they noticed a loon acting rather strangely. Ducks and loons usually disappear when they see people, but this loon came right up to the fishermen’s boat!
The men took the loon into their boat, and they could see that it had a fishing line wrapped around its beak, neck and wings. It also had four hooks and three wire leaders entangled in its body. The men took the loon to shore where they roved the hooks with pliers. All this time the loon remained very quiet until the chore was completed.
“I firmly believe,” said one of the fishermen, “that the bird came to our boat for help. During the painful process of removing the hooks, it never let out a ‘peep.’ And we even tool: a picture of the loon bore we let it swim away!”
The loon really seemed to know that the men could help him. And boys and girls, and older folks too, have Someone they can go to for help, to be healed, not merely from bodily pain, but for relief for their sin-sick souls. That One is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Physician.
He alone can take away sin and minister peace and comfort. His blood is God’s remedy for sin, The Lord Jesus said, “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:31,32.
“The Great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus;
He speaks, the drooping heart to cheer,
O hear the voice of Jesus.”
Memory Verse: Jesus said, I am the bread of life. John 6:35.