“Women ... love their children.” Titus 2:4
“He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 113:9
Titus tells us to love our children. Perhaps one reason that older women are told to teach this to younger women is that older women realize how short a time we have with our children at home. It may seem endless at the time, but the day will come soon enough when they are on their own.
Beyond giving them love, attention, food, clothes, and education in the few years that they are with us, there is an even more important aspect of mothering. God says, “Bring My sons ... and My daughters ... for I have created [them] for My glory” (Isaiah 43:6-7). Living for God’s glory is the only thing that will bring our children true happiness. How do we give them that goal? Only God can give them salvation and a passionate desire to please Him. Our responsibility is to pray for them, and to model the joy of living for Jesus. If our children see the Christian walk as a privilege, rather than a troublesome duty, they are more apt to want to follow God’s way. “Draw me,” said the wisest man that ever lived, “we will run after Thee” (Song of Sol. 1:4).